Help me understand...
Help me understand why my soul sees fit to be required to take abuses, bullying, meanness daily....what possible good can come from allowing this in my life? curious.....
Your higher self is trying to get your soul to to say NO and not allow abuse in your life. You will continue lifetime after lifetime with the very same painful soul imprints of abuse until you finally learn to love and respect your self enough and find the strength to remove yourself from any toxic, abusive relationships that continue to wound your soul and your divine energy. Each of us are being called to step up and create what we want. However, in order to do that, we have to let go of the things that are not serving us. Don't let the fear of change stop you from creating the happy, loving life you deserve.
There is a powerful saying: "Never let anyone or anything to disturb your ease because if you do, you will become dis~eased.
Art By Rita Lloyd:

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