Tuesday, February 19, 2013

So beautifully written...

"Give them a safe place to land, always. The babies, the toddlers, the teens. They all need love and kindness and reassurance at home. And when you’re done yelling because you’ve — once again — lost your s***, make sure they know that despite your craziness, you still love them. You have always loved them. You will always love them."

Let them know that you will make mistakes, but that you will always have their best interests at heart.

Expect the best from them. Not your best, but their best. Vast difference.

Love them. Love them. Love them. Kiss them while they’ll still let you. Hug them. Sing to them. Read to them. Laugh with them. Let them see you cry. Then they’ll know that all those emotions are okay, are normal, are expected, are perfect parts of our human imperfection.

You may not think you’re doing it right, Mamas and Daddies, but you are. Oh, you are. Just look at those precious faces. There’s nothing wrong about that.

Get dirty. Get clean. Get grateful.

Fall down. Stand back up.

Do the work. Embrace the reward.

Hang in there. Sleep when you can. Drink when you must. Hide a secret stash of Oreos. Pull up your britches and get on with it. Hang on tight. Let go when it’s safe.

Enjoy the ride."

-Katrina Anne Willis

Some of the most honest and inspiring parenting wisdom I have ever read is contained in this beautiful article. If you find yourself in need of hope today, it is here in Katrina's words. Letting go to grasp what really matters ... that's living Hands Free.

photo credit: awelltraveledwoman.tumblr.com/post/8689393596


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