Tuesday, October 11, 2011

38 Weeks...

Your babies each weigh just over 6 pounds and are approximately 18 inches in length. You have been full term for a week now, so you might want to start addressing those birth announcement envelopes while you still have your hands free! Your long wait will be over any time now. If you are carrying a boy (or two), have you decided whether or not you will have him (or them) circumcised? There is growing debate among parents and health care providers over circumcision but ultimately it is a personal decision for each parent.

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*If she is the "average baby," she weights 6.8 pounds (3083gm)and is 19.6 inches (49.8cm) long.
*Have you noticed she hiccups a lot? Because there is no air around her, those breathing exercises cause amniotic fluid to get into her windpipe. The result? Hiccups!
*Your child's intestines are accumulating lots of meconium. Meconium takes on the role of being your baby's first bowel movement -- removing the waste that has accumulated.
*She may have a full head of hair now -- an inch or more long! Don't be surprised if it's an unexpected color. Some blond couples have dark haired babies; some dark haired couples have red-haired babies; some couples have babies with only peach fuzz! It may just persuade you to take a closer look at your family tree!
*Circumference of head and abdomen are about the same size for your baby. No wonder it's so hard to get a t-shirt over a newborn's head!


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