Sunday, May 04, 2008

It's been way too long...

Well, It’s been forever since I’ve had time to update this thing! Life has been crazy busy and Aiden is at that age that he is into everything!!!! I can’t turn my back for a second. So much stuff has been going on in our lives I don’t even know where to start. Haha. I guess one of the most important things is Aiden so I’ll start there. He’s so awesome and I’m not just saying that because I’m his mommy. He truly is. He makes my days complete and every day is like a new adventure with him. Sometimes it gets a little frustrating because I’m not really sure what he wants and he gets mad if he’s trying to tell me and I just don’t get it. He loves playing outside, going on walks, playing with the dogs, reading all different kinds of books and magazines, and there is so much more. We went to visit some of John’s family in Florida and we took him to the beach, he absolutely LOVED it! Well, not so much the water but he loved running and playing in the sand. Of course I took a ton of pictures and I’ll post them later. He still loves all kinds of music and would seriously sit there and listen to it for hours if he had the chance to. He just turned 20 months old yesterday, time is flying by so quickly. I can’t believe that he’ll be two in like 4 months.

John and I also bought a townhouse and we make settlement the middle of May. So that’s exciting but yet scary at the same time. I’m a creature of habit and don’t like change that much. Even though it’s a change for the better and a move that must be made, I get a little freaked out about it. Anyway, It’s new construction and it’s gorgeous. It’s nice and it will serve its purpose for now until we can get something else. I’m figuring that we’ll probably be there for about 5 years tops. So we’ll see what happens. I’m so not looking forward to moving. I hate moving!!! Haha. There is more to tell but I think I’ll keep quiet about it for the time being. I said 2008 was going to be a year of changes with lots of new and exciting things going on and boy was I right!!!



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