4th Doctors Appointment & 4th Ultrasound...
Then I met up with John and we were off for the ultrasound. We were just sitting in the waiting room talking about life. We don't get to do that much without interruptions. haha. They called us back ad the Ultrasound tech got right to work. Both babies were very cooperative today. I honestly think that it's because in the past I've eaten something sugary before going to make sure the babies were active and maybe they just got a little too active! lol. So yesterday I didn't eat anything sweet all day and i think it really made a difference. The Ultrasound tech was really nice and good at her job. She was quick and got everything they needed and all of the pictures and measurements that they missed before. Baby A was head down and weighing in at 1 lb. 6 oz. with a heartbeat of 157. Baby B was laying more sideways and weighing in at 1 lb. 12 oz with a heartbeat of 154. So both babies are doing well and were jumping around like a bunch of mexican jumping beans. haha. After the girl was done doing our ultrasound we had to sit and wait to talk to the doctor. He was explaining all sorts of crazy stuff, I was just looking at him all confused and then looked at John and said "do you understand what he is saying?" John said "yes" I said "should I worry?" he said "no, everything is fine" so I'll go with that. They want us to come back in 3 weeks to have the size of the babies checked again. Baby B had a big growth spurt and her weight jumped up alot compared to Baby A. They've pretty much been neck and neck up to this point but today Baby B was measuring 6 oz. bigger than Baby A. I'm sure everything is fine. The doctor didn't seem too concerned, he just wants to keep an eye on it. So that's what we're doing and it will be cool because we'll get to see them again in another couple of weeks.
So today was a good day and both babies are doing really well. So we are happy campers :)

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