First and Earthquake... now Hurricane Irene...
Yesterday we had to make a trip to the grocery store to pick up the necessity stuff and John had to clean off our back patio so that nothing blew away or got damaged. It's crazy because the way they have our townhouses set up it's like a windtunnel back here!
John had to work today so I was home with the munchkins all day. The day started out normal but then by the afternoon we were getting terrible rain storms. They sent John home from work at 3PM because the dealership was closing. They evacuated all of the shores and stuff and were closing roads. They wanted people to stay in doors. I made a big pot of homemade beef stew which turned out totally yummy! I know it's summer time but it seemed very fitting. So, John came home and we just hung out watching the weather channel to see what was coming our way. The storm was just crazy! As we were watching the news we kept getting the emergency broadcast signal that there were Tornado warnings for our town and them telling us what to do and where to hide in case of a Tornado touching down. The rain was so heavy outside, poor John had to keep running out there to empty the water out of our window well for the basement because the water was literally pouring into the basement! I felt so bad that I couldn't go out there and help him. He was trying to dig the well down deeper and cover it up. He even dug a few small trenches out there to try to help. While he was out there of course my crazy lil monkeys wouldn't get away from the door and kept wanting to go outside with daddy. At one point he came running into the house and told the kids to get away from the windows and stuff because the sirens started going off. I don't know if it was because of flooding, a tornado or what! it was just a crazy scary night!
Thankfully the water in the basement was minimal, thanks to John going out and doing what he did. We had no tornados touch down here but Pitman and I believe Glassboro did. We made out so well and are very thankful for it. Some people got seriously flooding, wind damage and trees falling in there yards and houses and much worse.
Here is a picture that was taken as it hit North Carolina landfall. It's amazing!

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