Tuesday, August 23, 2011

We Totally Just had an Earthquake in NJ...

So John and I were upstairs folding laundry and trying to clean up stuff to get ready for the new babies and the house started shaking like crazy!! No joke!!

Kathy was downstairs with the kids and John and I were upstairs. So we're just talking about everything that we need to do before the arrival of the girls as we were folding laundry. John walked over to his bureau to put clothes away and all of the sudden it started shaking. The crystals were shaking, the big mirror on the wall was shaking and the floor was shaking. John and I just looked at each other like WTF was that??? I said holy crap, we just had an earthquake! John just looked at me and laughed. He never believes me. LOL. We ran out of the bedroom and looked down to Kathy asking her what the heck was that and to check on everyone. She looked at us like we were completely nuts! She replied, what was what. So we told her what happened and she was like, I don't know what you're talking about. Aiden was just jumping around but other than that I have no clue what you're talking about. I told them both we just had an earthquake.

My cell phone started blowing up with incoming messages of people updating their Facebook status and sure enough... it was an Earthquake! Friends from Maryland, Virginia, Philadelphia, New Jersey, New York and I forget where else were all talking about it. They all felt the tremor too! Apparently after further investigation we just felt the aftershocks of the Earthquake. The Earthquake actually hit Virginia. It was just pure craziness!


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