Friday, October 14, 2011

Delivery Day...

Well, I am getting ready to leave for the hospital for my induction. I was up late last night running around trying to get things ready for the girls, pack my hospital bag, spend time with my lovebugs, and straighten up around the house. It's crazy that by the end of today my baby girls will be here and this pregnancy will be over. It's insane to say but even though this pregnancy was really hard on me I think I actually like being pregnant and will miss it. Well, not really I think I just really like the end result and my babies. I was up all night last night. I just kept thinking about and stressing out about everything and anything. So needless to say, today I'm exhausted.

I'm just having such a rush of emotions right now I just can't even begin to explain it. If you would have asked me eight years ago where I saw myself in another eight years I would have never seen this coming. Sometimes I can't believe that I have five kids. If you told me that... I would have told you that you were nuts! Here we are, almost eight years after meeting John on a blind date... married to my best friend and having five beautiful children 5 years old and under. It's going to be really exhausting, a little stressful and overwhelming at some times I'm sure but we will make it through and it will be awesome! I love my family.

Anyway, I have to go so here are some pictures before I go. I hope that everything goes well and I can deliver my baby girls without having to have a c-section. I have been talking to the girls and setting my intentions for the universe. I delivered Aiden, Raelene and Violet vaginally. So this time will be no problem either :)


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