Delivery Day...
I'm just having such a rush of emotions right now I just can't even begin to explain it. If you would have asked me eight years ago where I saw myself in another eight years I would have never seen this coming. Sometimes I can't believe that I have five kids. If you told me that... I would have told you that you were nuts! Here we are, almost eight years after meeting John on a blind date... married to my best friend and having five beautiful children 5 years old and under. It's going to be really exhausting, a little stressful and overwhelming at some times I'm sure but we will make it through and it will be awesome! I love my family.
Anyway, I have to go so here are some pictures before I go. I hope that everything goes well and I can deliver my baby girls without having to have a c-section. I have been talking to the girls and setting my intentions for the universe. I delivered Aiden, Raelene and Violet vaginally. So this time will be no problem either :)

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