Thursday, June 15, 2006

Another week here & gone...

It has been a long week and I’m once again exhausted. I actually haven’t been feeling well. I’m not sure if I’m just getting over tired or if I am coming down with something. My tooth that they started the root canal on a couple of weeks ago has been killing me all week. So this morning I went back to see the specialist and he had to open it back up again and pull a bunch more roots out of it or whatever it is they do. So hopefully it will feel better now. I haven’t been sleeping at night between my hips killing me and my mouth hurting so bad, so tonight I think we’re going to go to Babies R Us after work and look into getting me a body pillow. Maybe that will help some. I also keep waking up and realizing that I’m actually sleeping on my belly. So John is getting upset about that too. I’m sure that it can’t be good for the baby and I know when I do Aiden kicks and punches me. So it must bother him too. I’ve always been a belly sleeper but I’ve been trying to sleep on my left or right side since my belly started getting big. Aiden has been moving around like crazy lately. Sometimes he punches and kicks me so hard that it hurts and I have to stop dead in my tracks until it passes. We still have to go through everything from that we got at the shower over the weekend. We just haven’t had to time to do it yet, it seems like we always have something to do. John and I have to set our priorities and get this stuff done. We only have like 7 more weeks until baby Aiden gets here! Time is flying by. This weekend will be another busy one. We start our childbirth class on Saturday morning. That should be fun and hopefully it will be informative. The closer we get to my due date the more scared I get about the whole thing! Then we have to go to a wedding on Sunday. So we won’t get much done then either. I think I’m going to try to take a day off work next week like Monday or Tuesday so that we can spend the day getting stuff done around the house. Aiden will be here in about 7 weeks or 50 days, however you want to look at it. That is if he stays in my belly until August 4th! I posted a little note to Aiden on another website that I have a blog on so I’m going to repost it here…

dear aiden,
if you don't stop kicking the crap out of my belly i'm going to have to punish you as soon as you get here. it doesn't matter how much you punch and kick, you're not going to get out into the world by punching through my belly. haha. just kidding, you won't be punished. just take it easy in there. i love you and can't wait until you get here. 7 more weeks to go...


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