Monday, June 19, 2006

Feeling better...

I’m feeling better. I guess that whatever the specialist did got my tooth all aggravated at first but also helped. So it is feeling better now. It still hurts a little but nothing like before! We started our child birthing class over at the hospital on Saturday and it was ok. It was very long and drawn out. I think it was more because of the instructor than anything. John was comparing her to the teacher out of Charlie Brown. Haha. We made it through the class and hopefully learned something that will help. We have one more class this Saturday and then we get some sort of goofy certificate or something. Did I mention that the closer we get to the due date, the more scared I get? I guess or hope a lot of girl’s go through this. John is so excited about Aiden getting here, he can’t wait! Don’t get me wrong, I can’t either but I’m just scared. I’m the one that has to download this lil man. You know? Anyway, yesterday we had to go to a wedding. It was John’s cousin that got married. We had a great time because of the company that we had at our table. That’s all I’ll say about it :-)

I busted my ass at work today trying to get a bunch of things done. I took off work tomorrow so that we can try to get some stuff around the house done and get things ready for the baby's arrival. Thursday afternoon we have a doctor's appointment to go back for our two week check-up. Hopefully things are going well. I'm sure they are but I wonder if Aiden is still measuring two weeks ahead. This weekend we have the childbirth class on Saturday morning and then we’re leaving for the shore to spend some time with a bunch of my family. We won’t be back until Sunday night. So we won’t get anything done this weekend. Argh, I just feel like we have so much to do and time is going by so quickly.


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