Saturday, May 17, 2008

Aiden’s First Haircut….

Today we went to visit our friend Dawn so that she could give Aiden a well needed haircut. It was his first one ever! He had like little old man hair in the back. It was so cute but annoying. So we scheduled a visit with Dawn so she could cut all of our hairs. We left it up to Dawn since she’s the professional and everything and she said Aiden should be the first victim so to say. Haha. So John was in charge of sitting in the chair with him and I was in charge of trying to calm him down and take pictures. Lets just say that he was NOT a happy camper. He cried and cried. You would have thought that we were ripping his toenails out one by one. It was terrible… I felt terrible. Then about half way through I forget if it was John or Dawn but one of them said, why don’t you give him a lollipop? So I grabbed a little dumb dumb pop out of the jar and opened it up for him. He loved it! He never had a lollipop before but it seemed to make it all better. As long as he had his lollipop, Dawn didn’t talk and she kept cutting he was fine. Of course he was fine once she was done and he probably honestly didn’t even remember it. So he looks adorable with his hair all nicely trimmed. I have a bunch of pictures that I’ll post later.


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