Sunday, June 01, 2008

An update of sorts...

Ok, I’m sitting here doing an open house for work so I figure I’ll do an update while I’m waiting. We went over to my dad’s house a couple of weeks ago to talk to him and his wife about me being pregnant and stuff. I have to say that my dad was a little shocked and disappointed. He was disappointed not because I was pregnant but because he was sure that John and I were going to tell him that we were getting married. Cindy was all excited and said she knew that I was pregnant and that’s why we were coming over. So we’re back on the whole marriage thing again. I just feel like it isn’t right that people should make you feel so pressured to get married. It isn’t like we would have a big wedding or anything, we’ve both been there done that. So all it would be is a trip to the court house, a little ceremony of sorts, and then a piece of paper. I feel like we don’t need that. I guess I’m just a little bitter over my last marriage and divorce. I always said I was getting married once and that was that and I did that. It didn’t end on a good note and neither did John’s. It isn’t like a marriage isn’t easily dissolved with a divorce so why do you have to get legally married when it is really what’s in your heart that matters? I know this doesn’t make any sense to other people but it makes sense to me. I know John would marry me in a second, he tells me all the time that he would. It’s just my twisted perception of marriage I guess that gets in the way. Anyway, enough rambling about that it just gives me a headache. Now all of our family members know about the pregnancy and are happy about it with the exception of my grandmom. We still haven’t told her and I honestly don’t know when we will.

I’m starting to feel a little better now. I’m just about to hit the 14 week mark and I think my second trimester. Aiden is now pretty much sleeping through the night for the most part which has been great. He is such a lil lovebug and I love him so much! Needless to say I still spend a lot of time staring at the ceiling obsessing about everything & anything. I have a doctors appointment on Wednesday morning for my next check-up and then an appointment to have an ultrasound in the afternoon. So John and I will get to see our lil peanut in a couple of days and we can’t wait! It’s crazy because I’ve been having a lot of cramps with this pregnancy that I didn’t have the last time. The doctor said it’s normal though. I’ll try to write another update after the appointments this week. I feel bad because I really don’t have the time to blog and write things down this time with having Aiden and always chasing after him and stuff. Plus, with work and moving and everything else my life just seems so much crazier than before. But I am going to try to journal as much as I can.

The house is coming along slowly but surely. We are still working on getting everything set up and stuff. Our work schedules have been crazy busy and our time is so limited. I seriously just can’t wait until we are in and settled! Anyway, I guess that’s enough rambling for today…


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