Showing up for life's blessings...
by: my sister Sandy
Today was such an incredible day for me....and really for my entire family. My older sister Traci gave birth to two beautiful little girls. One of the coolest things about it is that she already has one set of three year old twin girls and a five year old little boy!
My sister had asked me to be there along with her and her husband as her "support" person in the delivery room.... those of you who know me well won't be surprised to hear that I am a pretty squeamish person. I was very tentative about agreeing to be there, not because I don't love Traci and want to be there for her, but the simple fact that I get weak at the knees at the sight of blood (so much so that I have to turn my head several times while watching an episode of Grey's Anatomy!)
As the big day approached I became more and more anxious about being in the room for the delivery. I knew in my heart that I wanted to be there to support her (as she has been an incredible source of support for me over the last several years) but knowing myself the way that I do, I just didn't know if I could pull it off. I was in the delivery room with Traci and her husband for the birth of their son and I wasn't sure if I could go through that again!
As the girl's arrival came closer it became very clear to me (both emotionally and spiritually) that it was really important for me to be there with my sister. I cautiously told everyone that I would be in the room for the entire process leading up to the birth, but I withheld the right to politely excuse myself if things got a little too much for me during the delivery.
So today I woke up and felt incredibly nervous about the whole thing, but I knew with my whole heart that I wanted to be there with her and my brother-in-law for the girl's delivery. I could feel the importance of it not only for my sister, but for myself as well.
I am so happy to report that although the girl's delivery was a little more complicated and nerve wracking than we would have liked, everyone came through absolutely fine! I not only stayed in the room with Traci and John, I got to witness first hand the actual birth (didn't turn my head at all) of my beautiful little niece...for this I will forever be grateful.
As I write this blog post in the middle of the night, I can't help but feel very blessed for what transpired today. I "showed up" not only for my sister, brother-in-law and nieces but for myself as well. I got to experience something incredibly special with my sister, as well as spend some amazing alone time with my beautiful niece (baby A for now) who was just a few minutes old. I can't fully explain how meaningful that was for me on so many different levels.
Today's events will forever be a gift for me and my entire family and for that we will always be grateful.
Counting life's blessings........until next time.

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