Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Part 3 of the family notifications...

John told his mom and her family about the pregnancy on Christmas Day when he went to see them. They are all very happy as well. His mom cried but it was a good cry. John said he wished I was there but I wasn't. I cook dinner for my family for the holidays so I do my thing and he does his. Then we meet up in the end. We were trying to get together with her for lunch or dinner but with the holidays and our work schedules we just couldn't get anything planned. John is giving his mom, her first grandchild. She is ecstatic, so I am happy. He called his dad on Christmas and told him as well. He seemed happy as well. So now pretty much everyone in the family knows except my grandmom. I was going to call her on Christmas and tell her as well but I was so busy I just didn't get to do it. I will probably just call her tonight to see how her Christmas was and tell her. I don't know what she will say, she can be pretty judgmental of people. Then again, I was worried about what everyone else would say and they are all happy. So it was alot of stress and worry over nothing. Christmas was fun and I'm happy that it is finally over. I was so far behind with everything this year. I guess just from being so tired and not feeling well all the time. We got everything done like our baking, shopping, wrapping, and sending out cards. It was all done last minute but we got it done in time. I guess with all of the stress and worry it is taking a serious toll on me. I'm exhausted!!! My stomach has been upset for days now. I think I ate one cookie that I baked this year. I just couldn't bring myself to eat them. So John got the job of taste tester and I just took his word on it if they were good or not. I can't wait to go to the doctors on Friday to make sure that everything is OK and talk to her about this not sleeping and being so tired. A few people told me that the feeling sick constantly "usually" only lasts the first 3 months and I am sooooo hoping that is the case with me. If not, like I said before.... it's going to be a LONG 9 months!


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