Thursday, June 22, 2006

Ninth doctor’s appointment…

We went to the doctor's today for our two week checkup. It was a really quick visit with Dr. D. I really like seeing Dr. R better. She takes the time to talk to us and explain things where Dr. D is just pretty much by the book, that's all normal with no explanation, and always seems really rushed. I've really given some serious consideration to finding a midwife and doing the home birth but I'm scared to death to do it. What happens if something happens to me or the baby? I want there to be emergency help on hand right there if either one of us needs it. That is seriously the only thing holding me back from it. Anyway, back to the doctors appointment. She said everything is going well. Aiden's heartbeat is excellent, it's good and strong. He's an active lil bugger!!! I'm still measuring big. She said in another few weeks they're going to send me for another ultrasound to see how big he is actually measuring. If he is too big then I should probably opt for a c-section. I am going to avoid that at all costs. I've said it before and I'll say it again, obviously if there is no other way to get Aiden out then I will have a c-section but that is my absolute LAST resort!!! So we'll see what happens. We go back to see her in another 2 weeks for some sort of testing and then we start our every week checkups. John and I just can't wait until he gets here :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello my lil boy. you are really beating your mommy up lately. i can't wait for you to get here. i am going to read dr.suess to you tonight. <3

9:01 PM  

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