Friday, October 13, 2006

Daddy's Heart...


When I heard the news of you,
I did the things most Daddies do.
I opened up my heart so wide,
For you to have a place inside.

As each day passed, I’d think of you,
I’d watch you grow, I was expecting too.

I tried to imagine the person you’d be,
Would you look or act like me?
I thought of the things that we would do,
The times we’d share, just us two.

I would hold your hand in mine,
Be your protector, strong yet kind.
I would be your hero and friend,
Give love and advice on which you’d depend.

I will always remember the day you were born,
I cradled a miracle, small and warm.
What words I had were scarce and few,
A tear and a smile were the best I could do.

Life gave me a moment, precious and rare,
Bursting with pride, excitement and care.
I promised you then, all that I had,
See, you were my child and I was your Dad.

When I heard the news of you,
I did the things most Daddies do,
I opened up my heart so wide,
Where you will always have a place inside.


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