Thursday, September 21, 2006

Another update on Aiden…

We had our appointment on Monday afternoon up at CHOP (Children’s Hospital of Pennsylvania). We met with the surgeon to talk about everything that has been going on with Aiden. He had asked us about Aiden’s throwing up and we discussed Pyloric Stenosis and testing him for that. He also didn’t feel that is what the problem that Aiden is having is. He is more worried about Aiden not going poop than him throwing up which makes sense I guess. He is leaning towards it being Hirschsprung's Disease and he wants to do a full thick rectal biopsy. It is going to be done same day in the hospital, so he won’t have to stay over night or anything. They are going to have to put him under anesthesia and that scares me. Actually the whole thing does! I felt like an ass because when he told us that is what he wanted to do I wanted to cry. I just can’t imagine what they are going to do to Aiden or how he is going to feel afterwards. People keep telling me not to worry about it, that he won’t remember it and I think that is a load of crap. He may not remember it later but he definitely feels it in the moment. I hate knowing that he is hurting or in pain. We go for the biopsy on Wednesday so hopefully everything will go well and it won’t be Hirschsprung's Disease. I want to know what is the matter with him and make him better but at the same time I don’t want him to have to go through a surgery.

On a happy note, I posted a bunch of new pictures of my lil cutie patootie. Here’s the link if anyone wants to see them :-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

sweetie.. he is SO beautiful!

I know it is hard to watch your beautiful boy go through it all. Alex had surgery at 8 weeks, totally put under and an overnight stay. It was heartwrenching and I cried alot. After all the awfulness of it all, I knew that it was going to make him feel better in the long run.. and now at 6 months old.. he's my happy, healthy baby.

Hang in there... and cry if you want to.. and hug him and give him lots of kisses. I have faith that you'll get through it all.

5:00 PM  

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