Finally an update...
Aiden is so awesome and I love him so much. He is my entire universe! I love spending time with him and watching him grow and discover new things. He has the most awesome personality and absolutely the most beautiful smile. He loves to talk. I know it’s just baby jibberish but it is still awesome. He and I can sit there and talk to one another forever. Oh, and he LOVES to laugh! Every morning when he wakes up I said good morning sunshine and give him a big kiss. He gets the biggest smile on his face. He is so aware of everything around him especially people that he sees a lot of. Don’t get me wrong, he still has his “moments” and cries his heart out when he isn’t happy, not feeling well, or whatever but I am getting use to it now. I just love him and kiss him up until I can get him to stop. That is of course after I do the most important checks… Diaper clean? and Is he hungry? Haha. Everyday is like a new adventure for us. He has some favorite things already, he loves Winnie the Pooh, he loves when Jersey (my german sheppard) gives him kisses. The other day we were sitting on the couch and she was sitting next to us and Aiden reached down and was petting her. Well, it was more like just sitting there rubbing his knuckles on her but we’ll call it a pet. He is only a little over two months old. John and Aiden sit and watch cartoons together and also action movies. Aiden loves spending time with his daddy. I think his favorite movie is The Incredibles. I feel like there is so much more to write but I can’t think of the words. I really should update more often so I don’t feel like I have so much to catch everyone up on. Anyway, I’m going to go get back to my lil man. I miss him. I added a bunch of pictures to his gallery and here’s a recent one for your viewing pleasure. He’s just so awesome and lovable, I love being his mommy.

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