2nd Dr.s Appointment, 1st Ultrasound... It's TWINS!!!!!
First thing this morning I had an appointment for my monthly check-up to see how the baby is doing. When the Dr. was checking the heartbeat with the doppler thingy it took her a while to find the heartbeat and once she did it was really faint and seemed slow. She was like… do you hear it and I was like… not really. Once I really listened I could faintly hear it. She said everything seemed ok and she would see me next month. So I met up with John because he had a doctors appointment of his own this morning and I told him about what happened and just said to him that I really hoped that everything was ok with the baby.
Then we had an appointment later on in the afternoon at the hospital to have our first ultrasound done. So we go in and wait our turn and they call us back into the room. I lay down and she gels up my belly and puts the ultrasound wand on my belly. As I’m looking at the picture on the screen I saw what appeared to be two heads. I said to myself wow that’s weird, it just must not be focused yet. Then the tech said to me is this your first ultrasound? We replied yes and she smiled. She looked over at the medical student and was like do you see what I see and they both giggled. John & I are sitting there like what??? So then she said to us, well since this is your first ultrasound I guess you didn’t know that you’re having twins and we were both like NO!!! Of course I got all freaked out and was like holy crap, and all that stuff. We were seriously in shock and all I could say was I knew it (I’ll explain that story & all of the signs later)! I think seriously for the first time in my life I was speechless!!!! So she did all of her measurements and took her pictures. Both babies have a very strong heartbeat and are totally active. They were both jumping all over the place like crazy! It was awesome. So she got a good profile picture of baby A and a picture of baby B looking at us like he was saying stop lookin at me. Haha. We have to go back next month for another check-up and ultrasound. So yes, I am pregnant with twins and they are both doing awesome!! John and I are excited but yet also feeling a bit overwhelmed. We’ll see how it all pans out. Right now we’re just trying to finish getting settled in the new house and then we’ll worry about everything else. Here I kept saying that it must be a girl because this pregnancy was so much different than my first pregnancy with Aiden. I was so much sicker and more tired. It was terrible! Well, I guess the fact that it is twins explains it! Haha. They couldn’t tell the sex yet, it was still too soon but hopefully next time we’ll find out. It’s funny because the tech asked if we wanted to find out the sex and I said of course, I don’t like surprises and she laughed. All I have to say is for me not liking surprises.... this was a hell of a surprise!
Anyway, here are some pictures...
the first picture is a picture of both my lil bugs. the second picture is a profile shot of baby "a". the third picture is a picture of baby "b" lookin at you.

WOW - double the morning sickness is usually a sure sign of twins - but it sounds like you had signs everywhere you turned. Even in egg yolk!
Congratulations on your twin pregnancy - if you're feeling up to posting your story ( and link to your blog) or your twin belly pic come visit me at http://www.raising-twins.com - my readers would love your story!
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