Wednesday, July 02, 2008

3rd Doctor’s Appointment…

Well, this morning we went for our monthly check-up to see how the babies are doing. It was funny because the nurse had asked me if they had done the sequential screening last month when we went for our ultrasound and I said that they tried to do it but said I was too far along so they couldn’t. So she was like, oh ok because there was nothing in the report about it. So I replied, well did they write in there that I’m pregnant with twins and just laughed. She was like no! Congratulations and all of that good stuff. So she wrote a little note in my chart saying that they didn’t do the screening because I was too far along and that it was twins. So then Dr.D came in and was just looking at me and John nodding her head. So John and I just laughed and were like, oh I guess you saw its twins. She was like, were you guys trying?? We replied “no”. Then of course she was making fun of John saying well why weren’t you wrapping it up then and stuff. So we were all laughing about it. She said it was awesome though and at least it was good that God was handing out babies to good people and parents that deserve kids. So that was kind of nice. She was just like wow! It was kind of the reaction that we had. So she went on and did her thing. She talked to us for a while about twins and stuff. She did her measurements of my belly and checked the heartbeats. Both heartbeats were nice and strong so everything is going well. She was saying how twins are considered full-term at 37 weeks. John asked if I had them that early if they would be ok and their lungs would be good and stuff. She then went on to say about how mother nature takes its course and twins develop quicker than a singleton and if I had them at 37 weeks everything would be ok. She said that there would be no need for me to go past 37 weeks. She then proceeded to say something along the lines of we wouldn't let you go past 37 weeks, why would we want you to be uncomfortable like that. Now, me knowing Dr. D the way I do know that she is saying she wants to do a c-section already. I love Dr. D and everything but it seems like she really tries to push c-sections. Well, anyone that knows me knows that I am anti c-section and will absolutely refuse a c-section unless there is something seriously the matter and either the babies or myself are in danger. I just thought it was funny that she goes on and on about mother nature but yet in the next breath is saying that at 37 weeks we’re going to take them because they are considered full term. What the heck happened to mother nature taking care of things??? My feelings are that when the babies, my body and mother nature are ready I know the babies will come on their own.

John and I were talking about it on the way home and I was like, I know she tried the same thing when I was pregnant with Aiden. She wanted to schedule me for a c-section almost 2 weeks before my due date insisting that Aiden was a huge baby and would be too big for me to deliver. She was wrong. I went into labor on my own August 2nd and he was due August 4th. He was born August 3rd. So it was right in time. I guess we’ll see what happens as I get further along but like I said unless my babies or myself are in serious danger I will refuse a c-section again no matter how many hours of labor I have to endure. Anyway, everything went well and both babies have nice strong heartbeats. I go for my next ultrasound next Wednesday and hopefully both babies will cooperate and we’ll be able to tell the sexes. I’m seriously so excited to find out… I can’t wait! Then I go for my next check-up in another four weeks.

On a side note, anyone that knows me well knows that I have crazy dreams and sometimes they come true. Well, last night I was talking to John’s step-mom and we were talking about the babies and everything. She told me that she had a dream that I was having a boy and a girl. I started laughing and said that’s too funny because I had a dream last week that someone asked me what I was having and I said a boy and a girl. His dad still says it’s two girls and John doesn’t care either way. He just wants them to be healthy. I totally agree with him and it honestly doesn’t matter to me, I just want them healthy. In the grand scheme of things that is the only thing that matters. Although, two girls would be nice because I already have the names picked out. I’ve had the names picked out for years now! Whereas, if it is a boy or even two boys I’m totally clueless on what I would use for names and would have to do some serious thinking. Haha. So I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what happens next week and if mine and Xio’s dreams were right or not.


Blogger Joyce said...

I'm glad things are good and the peanuts are healthy and moving around! If you are serious about not having a c-section then just stick to your guns. Mother nature is always on top of things. Hell I delivered Cassie breach and no one thought I could. So that's what happened to her, she came out ass first! Ha I love you and am so excited!

3:29 PM  

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