Sunday, July 20, 2008

A Good Weekend...

The weekend went by way to fast once again. I know that I say it all the time but I just don’t know where time goes anymore.

I am officially “half way” through my pregnancy this week. I know they say twins are considered full term at 37 weeks and sometimes they show up early but I also know that they can go full term to 40 weeks. So I’m just using the 40 week mark. Anyway, I finally gave in and had John take a couple of belly shots the other night. I swear my belly just popped out overnight again. I went to bed not that big and the next morning I woke up and you could definitely tell that I’m pregnant. I feel bad because they were seriously the first belly shots I took this pregnancy. When I was pregnant with Aiden I took belly shots all the time. This time I just haven’t. I’ll try to take a couple of shots every week or at least every other week for the rest of my pregnancy.

The pregnancy is going well, I’m feeling much better. I’m just tired because I don’t sleep much at night. My hips and my back really bother me when I lay down. Soon I’ll have John bring the rocking chair into the bedroom and I’ll just start sleeping in that. I had to do it when I was pregnant with Aiden but I didn’t have to do it until pretty late in my pregnancy. Other than that things are good and the girls are doing well. They are very active and jump around all the time. I can totally feel them now and you can see them if you stare at me belly too. John was all excited he got to see my belly move the other night. I guess soon he’ll be starting to read to them and play them music.

Aiden is doing awesome as always and I can’t believe that he’ll be two the end of next week. My lil boy is growing up so fast! I swear he’s going to be the next Evel Knievel. He has no fear when it comes to most things and does all sorts of crazy stunts. He got his first fat lip the other day by messing around. He fell off the sofa and thank goodness John was right there and made an awesome save because he was going straight down on his head! There’s so much more but we’ll move on to good stuff. On Saturday we went over to our friend Dee’s house and took him in the pool. At first he was scared and got a bit upset so John just held him on the side of the pool and let him ease his way into the water. I guess it took him about 10 or 15 minutes and then he was loving it! He was splashing all over the place and having a great time. Before you ask, no I don’t really have pictures because stupid me forgot m camera. I did take some pictures with my cell phone though. He didn’t like when he splashed the water up into his face and it got in his eyes and mouth but other than that he had a great time! I of course was a nervous wreck and worried the whole time. John on the other hand was cool as a cucumber like always. By the time we got home he was exhausted but he had a great day.

Anyway, I have to go now I have things to do. We’re still trying to get settled into the house and get things in order. We have errands to run and after Aiden wakes up from his nap we have to do dinner. Another day here and gone way too fast. Haha.


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