Monday, July 28, 2008

Random Thoughts…

So last night I was up most of the night as I usually am now days, so I just laid there watching Aiden sleep. I seriously love him more than anything in the world. I never thought I could love another human being as much as I love him. I would seriously do anything in the world for him. He’s my heart and soul.

I was also just sitting there thinking about my pregnancy and that I can’t believe that I’m already more than 1/2 way to my due date. I was also thinking about how much things are going to change once the girls get here. I feel like I’ve just adjusted to having Aiden here and we have our daily routines and everything. Once the girls get here I just feel like it’s going to be complete craziness! I love how every morning we wake up and just lay in bed together until Aiden is ready to get up. We just sit there cuddling, talking to one another, and looking at each other. He’s so funny when he’s getting ready to go to sleep he’ll take my hand and put it on his back or butt for me to rub. I guess it’s comforting for him and he knows I’m there. The other night John was saying how he can’t wait until Aiden is a teenager and has a girlfriend because he’s going to tell her about how Aiden used to make his mommy rub his butt to fall asleep. He’s such a torturer! I know that Aiden should be in his own bed by now and out of our bed but I just love having him right there with me. When I can’t sleep and I’m sitting there stressing out and obsessing about anything and everything I just look at him sleeping and I forget about all of the crap. He just makes everything seem ok again. I’ve been getting stressed a little because I haven’t been feeling well and I’m seriously exhausted but no matter how frustrated I get with him when he acts out I still love him more than anything in the world. I know nothing will ever change that.

Aiden just loves to have all of my attention, all of the time so I hope that he’ll be ok with having siblings, he’s such a lil momma’s boy. I’m sure that there will be an adjustment period for all of us and we’ll be fine but these are the silly lil things that I worry about. I guess he’s getting better with it because before when me or John would say Aiden where are the babies and lift up my shirt Aiden would get sort of mad and say nooooo, pull my shirt down, and walk away. Well, yesterday I was getting ready to go out and I said to Aiden where are the babies and he came over and pointed to my belly. I got all smiley and happy so I said Aiden can you give the babies a kiss for mommy and he leaned his head in and set it on my belly. It was so cute! He’s my lil lovebug.

Well, I’m exhausted so I’m going to go and hang out with my favorite boy in the world for a little while.


Blogger PatsyandBert said...

it'll be a big adjustment, but i'm sure it will be ok. you can still lay in bed with'll just have 2 more babies with you!!!! and don't feel bad about Aiden still sleeping with you...........Patsy and Bert are 4 1/2 and they STILL sleep with us!! you're an awesome mommy!!!!!!

8:36 PM  

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