A long overdue update & rambling…
I’ll start off with Aiden and how awesome he’s doing. I love being his mom even when he has me to the point that I feel like pulling my hair out of my head. Believe me, I’ve had a few of those days lately. I guess Aiden is at that age where he just tests us on everything. He wants to do new things and explore and I understand that but at the same time I can’t tell you how many times my heart has seriously skipped a beat because he’ll do something and fall and I’m afraid he’s going to get hurt. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I think he’s going to be like the next Evel Knievel. He has a t-shirt that someone bought him and it says “I do all my own stunts” and boy isn’t that the truth! Twice this week he did a crazy forward roll off of the sofa. The one time I tried to grab him but missed and the second time I grabbed him long enough to break his fall. I get so upset when he gets hurt and I feel like it’s my fault and I wasn’t there protecting him when I should have been. I know I seriously need to get over this but it’s a tough one. He loves reading and throwing his balls around. He’s even trying to play John’s Wii. At first he would just sit there and watch John but now he takes the remotes and will swing them around and stuff. It’s seriously the cutest thing ever! The other day he had me upset because I was working from home and I had a pen laying next to me, he picked it up and threw it and it landed on my laptop. Well, it must have hit just the right way and broke off my “P” key. I seriously wanted to cry. I know it’s just hormones, stress, and other things but I was still upset. I haven’t been able to get the key back on so my brother in-law is going to look at it this weekend. Hopefully he’ll be able to fix it but until he does I have a ghetto-fabulous laptop! The only other thing that’s been going on with him is that for like the last week he must be having nightmares or night terrors. He’ll be sound asleep and then all of the sudden he’ll just start saying “no no” and then wake up so upset and hysterical. John and I wake right up if I’m not already up and will just rub his back or his belly and tell him that everything is ok, mommy & daddy are right there. Hopefully the dreams or whatever they are will stop soon! So anyway, to make a long short, Aiden is awesome and I love him more than anything in this world. No matter how much he tries my patience it doesn’t matter I just look at him and smile and love him just as much if not more than before.
As far as how I’m feeling well, I am seriously beyond exhausted at this point. I’m pretty much up all night long because I just can’t get comfortable. My hips and back have been killing me and I just haven’t been feeling well. I ache and hurt and I know it’s going to get worse before it gets better. I go back to the doctors this Thursday for my monthly check up so I’ll ask her about it while I’m there. I’ve been having pains in my belly and other places that I want to make sure they are all normal. Other than that I’m ok, we’re just so busy with life and trying to get stuff done before the girls get here. It will be here before we know it because time is flying by so fast! I can’t believe that I’m going into my 26th week of pregnancy already and only have like 14 weeks left. Everyone keeps being so kind as to remind me that twins are known to make their appearance early so I may not have that full 14weeks to go. Thanks guys. Haha.
The other day when I was at work John and Aiden re-arranged the master bedroom so that he could bring the rocking chair in from the nursery so that when my hips start bothering really bad at night I can just get out of bed and sleep in the rocking chair. I thought it was really sweet of him to do.
Now onto the pregnancy and the girls. They are both doing awesome and moving around like crazy!! My belly does all sorts of crazy waves and movements all the time. I swear they beat the crap out of one another in there. Haha. It’s insane because my belly will be jumping all around and I’ll tell John to come look and as soon as he comes into the room it’s like they both freeze! He sees nothing because they both totally stop moving. Aiden used to do the same thing to him so I shouldn’t be surprised. Today we went for our 3-D ultrasound. It was cool to see them in there moving around and being crazy. They seriously look so squished up in there! The pictures are good but not as good as the ones we got of Aiden. I’m not sure if it is because they are so squished in there or if it was because it was like a good 3 weeks earlier into the pregnancy than the ones I had done of Aiden. She said that we had to do it before 26 weeks because if I go after that all I will have is nothing but a bunch of pictures of arms and legs. So that’s that. Oh, and I had her check the sexes again to make sure that they were both girls because I had a dream again the other night that I had the babies early and it was a boy and a girl. She said they are both definitely girls! Anyway, I think that the pictures that she took today and labeled Baby “A” are actually of Baby “B” from the hospital ultrasounds and that Baby “B” is actually Baby “A”. The last time we went for our hospital ultrasound Baby “A” was breech and Baby “B” was transverse. Well today one of the babies was transverse and the other one was head down. So I’m thinking that the breech baby moved into the right position and will hopefully stay there and Baby “B” will hopefully be turning head down soon too so that I can avoid a c-section.
Other than that life is good… just busy. Aiden is taking a nap right now and should be up soon. As soon as he gets up we are heading out to a pool party to let him go swimming. So I’m going to go now and get ready before he gets up.

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