Third Ultrasound...
Anyway, back to the girls. They are both doing awesome and growing as they should be. Baby “A” is in a transverse position and weighs about 1 lb. 6 oz. and Baby “B” is breech and weighs about 1 lb. 8 oz. The ultrasound tech said that there is still plenty of time for them to turn to a better position for delivery because as I’ve said before I’m going to avoid a c-section like the plague unless it is a serious emergency and something will happen to either my girls or me. She checked them both again to confirm they are both girls and she said that they definitely are. I just wasn’t sure because the tech we had last time kept telling us that ultrasounds aren’t 100% accurate in determining the sex of a baby. I understand that because they have to protect themselves but to say it like 10 times, I wasn’t too sure if the tech was sure. Haha. They both have nice strong heartbeats and my cervix doesn’t show any signs of premature something or other. The girls heads are right next to each other so they must constantly be knocking heads. She gave us a picture of it that I’ll post later. It was also awesome because she switched over to the 3-D ultrasound to give us a little peek of them. Baby “A” was very cooperative today and posed nicely for all of her pictures while Baby “B” was taking no interviews. LOL. So we got a great 3-D shot of Baby “A” but the shot of Baby “B” is an ear shot with her covering her face. It’s crazy because the shot of Baby “A” has Baby “B”’s foot up under her chin and it looks like she’s giving her a kiss. It was seriously awesome and John and I were so excited she did it. They usually don’t do the 3-D ultrasounds there but the tech was a sweetheart and did it. So that was a nice surprise, totally cool and we’re stoked that we actually got to see our little lovebugs. It’s crazy because I think I still have like 17 weeks to go until I hit my due date of December 2nd and it looks like they are getting so cramped in there already. I just don’t know how much room they’ll have as they get bigger.
I felt all stupid because once again I almost passed out half way through the ultrasound. I started getting really uncomfortable and hot at first. Then I started sweating my butt off and was like “John, can you give me a drink of water.” Of course that did nothing for me but I tried to hang in longer. Then I was sweating even worse and started feeling like I was about to puke so I asked John if there were any paper towels at the sink that was behind him and if he could run a few of them under cold water so I could make a compress and put it on my forehead. The tech was like “are you ok?” and I was like “no, I’m not feeling too well right now.” So she had me roll over to my left side a little bit while she took a few more pictures she needed. I started feeling worse and worse so I finally asked if I could sit up for a minute and take a breather. She was like “of course!” so I sat up and John got me more cold paper towels and I put them all over the back of my neck. It was crazy because there was serious sweat dripping down the back of my neck and my hair was all wet. It was gross. I think my deodorant actually started to wear off. LOL. After sitting up for like 5 minutes with the cold compresses and drinking some water I started to feel better. She said this happens all the time but I was still totally embarrassed. It was all ok though because I laid back down and she finished taking the pictures and everything that she needed and said that both baby girls are doing awesome! So John and I are happy about that and we go back in another 4 weeks to make sure they are still growing as they should be and everything is ok. It was a great day and we got to see our baby girls again and they are doing great! Now, I’m exhausted and I’m going to go and spend some time with my favorite two boys in the world.
Here are some of the good pictures from the ultrasound. I didn’t post the ones showing their girly bits because seriously how many times do I have to show the world my baby girls cooters. Haha.
1. Baby “A” profile shot
2. Baby “A” & Baby “B” head shot
3. Baby “A” getting a kiss from Baby “B” (awww)
4. Baby “B” hiding her face and not taking any interviews (haha)

unbelievable!!!!! how neeeeeeaaaat! I wish I could be there to see you guys and at least give you a hug!
omg......they're BEAUTIFUL!!!!!
Well they are doing great I see! I can't wait, this will be an event right? LOL I love you girls!
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