Happy 2nd Birthday Aiden Grey!!!
We’ve had a really nice day today. We woke up this morning and we all just hung out and spent some nice quality time together. Then we got ready for his birthday party and sadly I think his teeth started to bother him or he just wasn’t feeling well. He’s actually been like that all week long to where he would just get really upset over no reason and he’s been running a slight fever. I don’t know if it is because his teeth are bothering him again or maybe he just has a touch of the stomach bug or something. He fell asleep in the car on the way to his party so we just sat in the car for a while so that he could at least get a little bit of a nap. I eventually went in so that I could greet the guests and then when he woke up about a half hour later John brought him into the restaurant. He wasn’t very happy at first and everyone that tried to say hi, happy birthday, or even look at him for that matter just set him off into a tizzy. He was so upset and I of course felt terrible. He eventually got over it and was ok, I guess maybe the Tylenol kicked in. So then he was ok and of course a little lovebug running all over the place. The food was good and the cake was delicious! I think for the most part he enjoyed his day and so did everyone else. I tried to take some pictures but didn’t get a whole lot of them. My sister Tommie was taking pictures so hopefully she got some good ones. Aiden’s party was nice and we got to spend some time with friends and family that we haven’t seen for a while, so I’m a happy girl. He got lots of presents that we still haven’t opened yet. I’m exhausted, John’s tired and Aiden’s tired because he really didn’t have much of a nap today. He just slept for that little while in the car. So I’m going to go and do some more laundry that needs to be done and then go and spend some time with my favorite two boys in the world.
Happy 2nd Birthday Aiden Grey!!!! Mommy & Daddy love you lots and lots!

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