Friday, September 12, 2008


I’m so happy that it is Friday and the week is finally over! It’s been crazy busy at work and at home. It’s like we still have so much to do before the girls arrive and there just doesn’t seem to be any time to do it. The nursery needs serious work. We have stuff that we have gotten for the girls and stuff that people have given us in there. Like, just kinda of sitting there in serious need of being put away. The one crib is up there and put together but the second crib is sitting in the garage in pieces. Hopefully this weekend we’ll get to get some of that stuff done. We still have to go and buy a bunch of stuff for them too. It’s just so stressful! This pregnancy has flown by so fast!! I can’t believe that we only have 11 ½ weeks left until my due date. We seriously need to get our butts in gear! Haha.

The pregnancy is going well. The girls move around like crazy!!! I either have a couple of gold medal gymnasts or world champion kick boxers in there! Haha. My belly does all sorts of crazy jumps and twitches. I’m exhausted because I never get to sleep at night. My hips hurt so bad! I last between 45 minutes and an hour before I have to get out of bed and switch to the other side and that goes on all night long. My back has been bothering me, my feet keep swelling up, and I get short of breath all the time. Other than that I feel great. Haha. I guess it’s all good and will be well worth it in the end.

Aiden is doing awesome as always. He’s my lil lovebug! He’s been talking a lot more and saying more words. I love every day of being his mommy. Every day is a new adventure!

Anyway, I’m going to go and try to get some stuff done and then spend some time with my favorite boy in the world!

This was off one of my pregnancy tickers today:

Day 185: If you are having twins they have no trouble finding each other now with their eyes open!



Blogger Joyce said...

Things will go fine. Everything is going great and those girls will be so lucky. Love you!!

6:40 PM  

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