Wednesday, September 03, 2008

After some serious thought...

Ok, so after much thought and me doing some serious soul searching I decided that I don’t care what the doctor says about me having a scheduled c-section. I’m sticking to my guns once again and unless either the babies or myself are in danger I am not going to consent to having a c-section. Especially not for the reasons she says too. It’s insane how doctors are so quick to jump on all of the reasons you should just have a scheduled c-section without there being a medical reason for it. It is major surgery! I’ve thought about it and thought about it and I can do this. I know I can. I talked to John about it and I told him my plan and he totally agrees with me and said he will help me fight my battle with the doctors BUT if they say you have to have one now because the babies are in danger or I am in danger then I must consent to having a c-section. I can live with that. I know I’m not going to need one because I can do this!!!

I’ve talked to like 3 people that I know that have had twins in the last 3 years and they all had their babies the good old fashioned way and on their own. No scheduled c-section or c-section at all. So obviously it is possible still to have a good old vaginal birth with twins. I even know a girl that has a friend that delivered her twins at home, naturally! So all this crap about the doctors trying to bully people into getting c-sections for no reason other than what seems to be convenience for the parents and the doctors is insane!

We go on Monday afternoon to the hospital for our next ultrasound so we’ll see what position the babies are in then. Hopefully they are starting to get into position and turn head down.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have no doubts that you can do long as you're heathy, fight them on it!

12:16 PM  

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