6th Ultrasound & NST…
It seemed as if everything was going ok while the ultrasound tech was doing all of her measurements and taking her pictures. She of course got a good shot of Baby “A” for us but not Baby “B”. I’ve come to the conclusion that Baby “B” is going to give us a serious run for our money! Haha. Anyway, both babies are kind of head down but in a weird position. They are off to the side a little bit towards my hip and not in my pelvis area. Both heads are right next to each other again. Baby “A” is measuring in at 7 lbs. 2 oz. and Baby “B” is measuring in at 6 lbs. 4 oz. so it seems as if Baby “A” had a bit of a growth spurt because my last ultrasound they were both weighing in exactly the same. They both had nice strong heartbeats but Baby “B” wasn’t moving around much. The tech kept poking on my belly and trying to wake her up and she got some movement so she said that was good. She finished up with everything she needed to do and then said she was going to go and get the doctor. She told me not to clean up my belly because the doctor may need to check something. She asked if I wanted to sit up so I could breathe easier and I said yes. Thank goodness I did because it took her forever to get back with the doctor. If I had stayed lying down I probably would have passed out!
So the doctor came in along with the tech and right away he started asking me all these crazy questions. He asked if I’ve ever had any problems with my blood count or platelets. I told him no but I’ve been anemic a bunch of times but that is it. He also asked if I’ve had any blunt trauma to the abdominal area. I was like no. He asked if I’ve recently started taking any new medications, I said no. There was something else he asked but I forget what it was. He then had me lay back down and said he needed to check something out. I was just sitting there a bit bewildered on where all these questions were coming from and wondering what was the matter. The doctor and the tech kept going back and forth talking amongst themselves as if I wasn’t in the room. She kept pointing different things out to him and he would just say, yes I see it. They were looking at something on one of the girls heads. The tech said she didn’t know if there was really something there or if it was just the angle they were getting because it is getting so cramped up in there. The doctor sent the tech out of the room to go and look at my last ultrasounds to see if there was anything that they could see there. He kept pushing really hard on my belly with the ultrasound wand and apologized for having to push so hard but said he needed to try to get a good shot of the baby’s head. He started to explain to me that they thought they might have seen something wrong with Baby “B”’s head. That it looked like there might have been a blood clot or brain hemorrhage. Right away I got all worried and upset about it. The ultrasound tech came back into the room and said she looked on my last three ultrasounds and didn’t see anything. So they came to the conclusion that it was probably just the angle that the baby was laying in and that they couldn’t get a good view. He also said something to her about how a fetal MRI would rule it out. The doctor then told me to go and get my non-stress test done and he would see what those results were and then talk to me before I left.
The tech walked me down the hall to the room that they do the non-stress tests in and handed me off to another technician. She said that she was shocked that I was pregnant with twins, 36 weeks pregnant, and they have not done a non-stress test yet. I just shrugged my shoulders and said this is when they told me to come in. She hooked me up to two different monitors so that she could see the babies heartbeats and handed me a lil clicker thing that I had to push a button on every time I felt the babies move. Baby “A” wasn’t being very cooperative and she was having a really hard time getting a reading on her. She had to buzz her with some crazy vibrating thing to try to wake her up. She eventually got all of the readings she needed so she told me that she was going to go and have the doctor look at the report and then she would be back. I guess she was gone for about 10 or 15 minutes and then she came back and said that the doctor said everything looked ok and for me to come back for another NST next week. I replied with well is whatever he was so concerned and worried about ok with the baby’s brain? She said she didn’t know anything about that so it must be ok. I just stood there like WTF!!! I went out and scheduled my NST for next week and left. I called John as soon as I walked out of the hospital. I told him what happened and he got all mad that I left without demanding to talk to the doctor. I also told my sister Sandy & my best friend Dawn about what happened and I got yelled at by both of them as well. After being yelled at by three different people I called Dr. D’s office to tell her about what happened. I told the nurse about what happened at the hospital and she went and got Dr. D. So I spoke to Dr. D about it and she said that the whole thing made no sense. She said that she couldn’t talk to the doctor at the hospital until tomorrow so she would call him first thing and see what was going on and then she promised that she would call me to let me know what was going on. She said to try not to worry about it and that she was sure everything was ok that if there was any kind of problem with the babies or me, that they wouldn’t have been able to let me leave the hospital. So now I just have to wait until tomorrow to hear from her. It’s not so easy to just “not worry about it” but at this point that’s all I can do.

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