Sunday, October 19, 2008

Baby Shower Surprises part 2...

Ok, so yesterday morning we woke up and had a very busy day planned. I had a nail appointment, we planned to take Aiden to the pumpkin patch, he needed a nap at some point, we had planned to do stuff around the house and then we were supposed to be going to a Halloween party.

I got up and got showered and ready to start my day. John and Aiden were downstairs eating breakfast and while I was getting ready, John came upstairs and was liked “what are you wearing to Dee’s party?” My reply was something along the lines of “I don’t know something that fits.” He just laughed at me and then stood there while I continued to get dressed. I thought it was a little weird because seriously who would care what I wore to a Halloween party? He eventually went back downstairs and I finished up with getting ready. I went downstairs, gave them both a kiss goodbye and left for my nail appointment. After my nail appointment I had a couple of errands to run and then while I was on my way home John sent me a text message saying that Aiden had just fallen asleep. So I sent him a text back saying that it was ok, and I was driving home so I would be home soon. When I got home we sat out in the living room just talking while Aiden slept out in the family room on the sofa.

Aiden woke up a little while later so we went out to sit with him. I of course gave him a big hug & kiss and told him how much I missed him. It is so crazy because I would seriously rather be home hanging out with Aiden than doing anything else. I hate having to leave him and I think about him and miss him the whole time I’m gone. No matter what I’m doing all I think about is how much I can’t wait to get home to see my lil munchkin. Anyway, back to the day. After Aiden woke up I made us all lunch and then we ate together. Needless to say that by the time we got done it was too late to go to the pumpkin patch. So I was pretty bummed about that but there just wouldn’t have been enough time. Oh, and while Aiden was eating his lunch he rubbed his hand on my belly and got something on my shirt. John got all upset about it and I told him who cares, I would try to get it off and if it didn’t come off I would just have to change. It of course came off and once the spot dried you couldn’t even tell.

My sister Sandy called to see what time we were leaving for the party and was like “well call me when you leave so that I know you guys are on your way. We’ll watch out for you and I’ll have someone help you carry all of your stuff inside.” So we got ready and headed out to the “Halloween” party. We pull up to Dee’s house and my sister TJ came out of the house wearing her halloween costume to help us get inside. We walk in the house and once we hit the kitchen it was decorated in pink and white, with baby girl banners everywhere, and everyone yelled surprise. It was really nice. There was just immediate family from both mine and John’s side and a few close friends there. It was perfect. Everyone had a great time, everyone gave us lots of really awesome stuff for the girls. Some people even brought Aiden a couple of small gifts so that he didn’t feel left out. It was just a great day with lots of surprises and good times with family and friends. I am very thankful for the family and friends that we have.

I seriously had no idea that my family was going to throw a shower for us. It was so awesome of them and so much appreciated! John and I had made a baby registry of things that we would need a couple of months ago so that we knew what we needed to buy and then so that for our birthdays and the holidays people could just buy us stuff for the girls. We personally don’t need anything so I would rather them give us stuff that we need which is stuff for the girls. It just makes more sense.

We had to have help bringing everything home because it wouldn’t fit in the truck. Now it totally looks like Babies”R”Us threw up in our living room. Haha. So now we have a ton of things to do and LOTS of laundry to do.


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