We went this afternoon for our monthly ultrasound. Everything is going really well and both girls are progressing the way they should be. Of course Baby “B” was being very uncooperative for the ultrasound tech, which we weren’t surprised. She’s been like that since the beginning. John was like, oh I guess she’s going to be a bitch like her mommy. Haha. The girls both had nice strong heartbeats and great blood flow through the umbilical cord. Both babies are measuring in at 4 lbs. 15 oz. each which the doctor said is kind of big and I’m in the 68th percentile. He then said that it’s unheard of that both babies would be measuring the exact same weight but that it’s ok because it is a good thing. Baby “A” is still head down and Baby “B” is head down but higher up in my abdomen. So I was really happy about that. Hopefully they will stay in that position so I can avoid the c-section. It looks like they are getting so cramped up in there and have like no room to move. I of course know they move and dance all over the place like crazy! My belly was dancing all over the place while they were doing the ultrasound. Plus, I was having a hard time sitting still because my belly is getting really sensitive to touch and I’m really ticklish. I was squirming almost as much as the girls were. We got a couple of pictures of Baby “A” which weren’t very clear but I’ll post them anyway but none of Baby “B” again. She just wouldn’t sit still or get in the position for the tech to get a shot of her.
I go back in 4 weeks for another ultrasound to check the babies out and make sure they are still growing the way they should be. The doctor also said he wants me to start doing the non-stress tests at that point so that they can monitor their heartbeats for a bit and make sure that they are both ok. They said I will just sit there for like an hour or so in a recliner with a monitor on listening to the girls heartbeats. Four weeks will put me at 36 weeks, I wonder if I will make it that far.
Oh, I'll also post a 32 week belly shot since I've been a complete slacker and haven't posted any belly shots yet for this pregnancy.

looking great girl!!! Love ya!
Great picture!!!!
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