Thursday, September 25, 2008

6th Doctor’s Appointment…

This morning I had my monthly appointment with the doctor to check on the girls. I had to be there early this morning because I was scheduled to have my glucose screening test done so I had to go in and drink that nasty stuff and then sit there for an hour waiting to have my blood drawn. I was scheduled to see a new doctor in the practice that I’ve never seen before so I was kind of excited to get her input on the whole c-section thing. Well, I’m standing there signing in and getting my bottle of nasty stuff and I hear the one receptionist talking on the phone and saying oh, ok… so you’ll be like an hour late? She gets off the phone and asked if I was there to see dr. ____. I said yes, and she replied that dr. _____ was going to be late because she had to scrub in for an emergency c-section. I just rolled my eyes and laughed and she was like, well if you don’t mind seeing Becky the nurse practitioner you can see her. I replied, well who is she? She said she can basically do everything a doctor can do except for deliver a baby and surgery. So I said sure why not, I don’t feel like sitting here waiting forever as the patients piled in the door and I didn’t feel like having to reschedule so I agreed. I asked if Becky would be able to answer some questions for me and she said of course and if I wasn’t comfortable with that I could just ask the doctor on my next visit. I have plenty of time because I’m only 28 weeks. I replied, “no, I’m 30 weeks”. She got a look of horror on her face and said, you were supposed to take your glucose test at 28 weeks. I told her I have no idea when I was supposed to take it, they never said anything to me and at my last appointment they told me to come back in 4 weeks and I would do it then. She went and got a nurse and told her I never took it (like it was my fault) and asked if it was still ok if I took it. The nurse said it was fine, so I went to my seat and drank the nasty stuff. It’s seriously horrible. It makes me feel like I’m going to puke and I was choking it down as fast as I could.

About 10 minutes later they called me back to the back room to take my weight and see Becky and stuff. I was all happy because I only gained 3 lbs. last month. The nurse took my blood pressure and it was good as always and then I sat and waited for Becky to come in. She was very nice and I talked to her for a while about a bunch of different things. She checked the girls heartbeats and they were both nice and strong. It was crazy because you could actually tell the two different heartbeats apart this time. The last few times they’ve checked it at the doctors office it was kind of like they sounded about the same. So I talked to her about my hips and the cramps and pains that I’ve been getting and she said it was all normal for a twin pregnancy. I also asked her opinion on the whole c-section thing. She talked to me for a while about it and explained a bunch of different things. She said that she totally understood where I was coming from and unless it is a medical emergency it is totally my call on whether to have one or not BUT… there goes that but again. She basically said the same thing that Dr. R said and that if baby “a” stays head down and baby “b” is transverse or breech that I may be able to deliver baby “a” vaginally and that they could try to turn baby “b” to a head down position to get her out but sometimes when they have to do that the doctor runs into problems with the cord getting tangled or sometimes even ripping off. She told me that she didn’t want to scare me but one time she was in the delivery room with the doctors and the cord got ripped off while they were trying to turn the baby. It wasn’t a good ending. She also said that I could just wait and see what happened because most of the time they deliver twins in the O.R. for in case of an emergency c-section having to happen so if baby “b” doesn’t flip down on her own once baby “a” comes out that I could make a judgment call then on whether to deliver baby “b” via c-section. So basically we had a good conversation about it and I just have a lot of thinking to do in the next few weeks. Of course I’ll talk to John about it all and see what he says. I go for my next ultrasound on October 7th so hopefully by then both babies will be facing head down! I also start going for my check-ups every 2 weeks now with the doctor. So yeah, time is serious flying by and my baby girls will be here before I know it.


Blogger Kim said...

That is some nasty stuff they make you drink!
Congrats on making it to 30 weeks with your twin pregnancy - you're doing great -
Sounds like you have some questions about c-sections and labor and delivery - most people will give you the horror stories unfortunately but SO many twins are born vaginally just fine - even if they're both not head down - as long as the first one is you should be good to go - Just don't think you're only option is a cesearean.
I have a new section on my site ( Raising for twin birth videos you might want to check out - it covers a whole bunch of options and may help you feel confident in choosing your own birth plan.
Good luck !

6:24 PM  

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