Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Stressed & Stuff...

I am so tired and just feeling so Blah lately. I was in bed most of the weekend because I didn't feel well. I feel like a lazy sack of crap but I am so tired and just feeling sick all the time. After work I just don't want to do anything! Maybe it is just that time of the year. I feel like I am always busy and doing stuff and it is usually stuff for other people. I need to start being selfish and taking care of myself. Its gotta be all about me. I'm not going to have any more of that come August. You know? I know it will never happen but a girl can dream can't she? There is so much stuff that I have to do for myself and so many things that I need to figure out. I think my brain hurts from thinking so much. Maybe more like it hurts from my thoughts running a thousand miles a minute and not being able to keep my thoughts separated or straight. I guess I need to prioritize things and just concentrate on one thing at a time. Once I finish that move along to the next. We'll see how it works out. This seems like it is turning into a bitchy diary, I don't mean for it to be. I am just feeling so tired and crappy lately. I know its stress and I need to calm down and relax a little.

On a good note, we go to the doctors on Friday for our first ultrasound. I seriously can't wait and it feels like it is taking forever to get here! I hope that everything is ok. I'm sure it will be, I just worry about everything. Between me and John I kind of feel sorry for this kid. It will never get away with anything. Between the two of us we've been there and done that and used all of the excuses in the book for it. I'm a worry wart but more free spirited when it comes to some things. If you happen to be a girl your dad is already talking about answering the door with a shotgun in hand if a boy comes to get you when you get older. I'll work on that for you, I promise. I'm sure if you end up being a boy you'll get away with anything cause you'll be daddy's lil buddy. And as for me, I'm sure I'll still be worrying. Haha.

I've bought a few baby things, I know I'm not supposed to but I just can't help it. John yells at me for it because he says we don't even know if you are a boy or a girl yet. It doesn't matter, I haven't bought anything that isn't unisex. Ok, well maybe one thing but if you are a boy I'm sure we will be able to save it for later or find it a good home with someone else.

Anyway, I guess I should get back to work and try to get something accomplished for the day. I can't wait to see you on Friday :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha Mama Traci is already worrying! You & John will be great parents. I love & miss you both. :)

9:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

can't wait for tomorrow's post!

5:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's right. shotgun in hand and tattoos showing.

9:54 PM  

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