Monday, March 13, 2006

Feeling much better...

I'm feeling much better than I was last week. The antibiotics and the ear drops seem to be helping me alot! I still have a little bit of a tooth ache but hopefully by the time my medicine is gone, the tooth ache will be gone too. Everyone is still saying that they think it is a sinus infection, so I am hoping that is what it is and I don't have to go and get a root canal. I also started taking my prenatal vitamins in the afternoon rather than right before bed and I think I am sleeping a little better at night. I don't know what the difference would be but if it's working that's all that matters, right? Even if it is just in my head. haha.

We had a really busy weekend and it just seemed to fly by. I can't wait until John is all moved in and we are settled. Then there won't be so much for me to worry and stress about. The weather has been gorgeous the past 3 or 4 days! It's sad to say that by Thursday it is supposed to get cold again. I guess this was just a little teaser for us of what's coming in the spring and that its right around the corner :)

I had a dream over the weekend and we went in for our "Big" ultrasound. The one we are going to on Wednesday where hopefully they'll be able to tell us if the little one is a girl or a boy. I saw it like it was real life and very vivid. They told us that the baby is a boy. So I told John that I think this is god's way of setting me up for the news of a boy since I wanted a girl so bad. But we'll see what happens on Wednesday morning. As long as the baby is healthy that is all that matters. Last night John and I were going through a couple of name books that I bought while we were laying in bed and we are having such a hard time coming up with boys names! Well, we did come up with one that we both like, so I guess that will work if we need it. Only two more days to go and we find out if the munchkin is a Girl or Boy!!!


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