Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Just Some Rambling...

Today I'm am feeling pretty good aside from the whole not sleeping thing and the fact I think I am coming down with a cold or something. I've been sniffling and sneezing like crazy for like the past two days. I feel lame that I keep complaining how tired I am but it is really starting to take its toll on me. I wish I could just have a good nights sleep. Like I said before, I get up almost every hour on the hour... everynight! It seriously sucks and I'm just exhausted. I still didn't try the taking like 50 mg of Benedryl like the doctor said I could take at night to help me. Or my friend Liz said that her doctor told her to try Tylenol PM and that it is safe during pregnancy. I haven't tried either of them yet but I think tonight I may have to give in and take something. I just need a good nights sleep. I bet this whole sleeping thing gets worse as time goes on too. Like when I start to feel the baby move and stuff. I was seriously doing pretty good for a little while there with my sleeping and only waking up a couple of times to go pee but then like Friday it all went to crap again.

This whole pregnancy thing is so crazy, sometimes it still doesn't feel real to me. I mean I know it is real and I saw the ultrasound (that was amazing and I'm happy that we got to see the lil bebe) but still, its just weird to me on some days. I'm sure once I start to feel the little munchkin move around it will be like oh my goodness, this is really real. haha. I think I'm seriously scared of feeling it move though. I might get a little freaked out or think something is happening. Yesterday I mentioned that I went shopping with Cindy (my dad's wife) for some maternity clothes and I swear last night when I was getting ready for bed my belly had grown! I swear it was alot bigger than it was in the afternoon. Or I guess maybe it could just be a psychological thing, who knows :-)

Today I was talking to some friends about the pregnancy, the baby and everything. Everyone is really so excited for us and it makes me happy. I was worried about it for a little while in the beginning. Of course we don't get invited out and stuff like we used to but I guess when people get pregnant and have babies things change more than I thought they would. I just feel like saying I'm pregnant... not dead! Argh, people get to me sometimes unless I am just getting my feelings hurt over nothing. Anyway, I was thinking about how I can't wait until March 15th to go and have our next ultrasound done. That's the one when they will hopefully be able to tell if the munchkin is a girl or a boy. I hope it isn't going to be too soon for them to tell and hopefully this time the little munchkin will be ALOT more cooperative for the camera.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

knowing how we are our lil peanut will be flopping around again saying "nyahnyah" do you really think your belly grew? i will have to check. :)

10:11 PM  

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