Thursday, February 16, 2006

Third doctors appointment...

Last night I had a horrible night sleep! I'm seriously lucky if I got two hours of sleep. At one point I got tired of sitting there and staring at the ceiling so I ended up turning on the TV. Why is it that there is NOTHING on TV late at night other than shitty infomercials??? Luckily around 4am I found a movie to watch and then watched some Alias. At one point I felt so sick I swear I thought I was going to puke my brains out. I even started sweating and everything. Needless to say today I've been pretty much worthless. I've been having brainfarts all day and will be sitting there talking to someone and just totally zone out to where I have no clue what they are talking about. I felt bad because it wasn't that I wasn't paying attention, I just don't know what happened.

Anyway, today we went to the doctors for our follow-up appointment. I think it went pretty well. The other doctor was nice and gave me a little more information than my regular doctor. She said I can try taking like 50 mg of Benedryl at night to help me sleep once in a while. I don't know if I'll do it or not but at least its an option. We talked to her about a few other things and she gave me good answers and reasons. So I was happy and I think John was too. We got to hear the heartbeat again and she took her time doing it. She said its nice and strong, so its good. I had to have a bunch of blood work done for the quad screening test thing. The stupid hospital didn't send over the test results from yesterday so I just basically had to tell her what they said. It's pretty lame because I asked them right before I left if they were sending the report over or if I had to take it because I had an appointment first thing this morning and they said no problem. Well, there was no report for her. So now she has to try to get it. She gave me the number of a surgeon to go and talk to about the lump in my belly button, so I can see if I can get it removed. So hopefully he'll do it for me. As far as I can remember that's about it. John is just as exhausted as I am today, so tonight will be a night of relaxing or at least trying to. We go back to the hospital for an ultrasound on March 15th and that's when they'll be able to tell if the lil munchkin is a girl or a boy. Then we go back to see the doctor I saw today on the 16th for another follow-up or something. haha, I forget I think pregnancy stole my brain. Unless of course the evil little alien pod growing in my belly is really a zombie and he's somehow draining it....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha a little zombie fetus... you're silly babe. my baby will love zombies if it's anything like it's daddy. i love you my lil munchkin.

5:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

my doctor has also said that tylenol PM is safe during pregnancy. I took it a couple of times with good results!

9:52 PM  

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