First Ultrasound...
I also got a regular ultrasound too! I didn't even have to beg, barter, or steal to get it. haha. I saw it and was like oh wow... there really is something (a little person) growing in there and I giggled. It was amazing and seriously made me feel so much better. So we were really excited although the baby absolutely hated it!!! I said it was just a little camera shy. haha. It was jumping and twisting all over the place and doing backflips... just acting crazy. So they didn't get any really good pictures of the lil munchkin. I got two ultrasound pictures to bring home. The one you can't see much, I think it was kind of laying on its back or something. The other one it looks like an angry little alien. I think I saw the lil munchkin in the movie Independence Day. She said the baby is measuring more like 17 weeks rather than 15 weeks but it is still within the 8 days so they will keep the due date at August 4th. The heart rate was at 146 and that was also good. So today was a really good day. John and I are excited. Tomorrow we go to the doctors to have the quad screening done. I forget what that stands for and also to go over the test results with her again. Like I mentioned before we are seeing a different doctor in the practice tomorrow. So hopefully I will walk away feeling better and more comfortable about the whole thing.
Anyway, I scanned the ultrasound pictures and I'm going to try to post them. I don't want to make them too small to where you won't be able to see them so hopefully it won't mess up the layout of my blog too bad...

Your alien is going to be beautiful- just like you!! XO
hello little alien baby! you've got great parents <3
Hey there little bean! Awwww, I'm so happy for you guys! *hugs*
hello my little peanut. i don't care what you look like i love you already. you are going to have the coolest 'rents ever. but unfortunately for you although we will be cool, you still won't get away with anything. i love you traci and i love you too munchkin.
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