Thursday, March 02, 2006

A Crazy Day...

Today I went to see the general surgeon that my ob/gyn referred me to so that I could get a consult on the lump thingy inside my belly button. Let me just say the doctor was a complete quack!!!! He said it wasn't hernia, or this or that, so he was just going to call it something else. He said a long weird name, I forget what it was. He is basically blaming it on my piercings that I used to have which have been removed for about 6 or 7 months. I honestly don't think that it has anything to do with my retired piercings but I wasn't going to argue with him about it. Anyway, he went on about how he had to remove my belly button and that my belly button as I know it would be gone but he would try to give me a new belly button, but it would be more like a dimple. At first I thought he was busting my balls and messing with me but he was completely serious! Then he proceeded to go on saying that he "guesses" he could do it while I was pregnant, but any surgery you do during pregnancy can be risky and cause contractions and stuff but he would do it. I was so beside myself and didn't know what to say. I just kind of sat there in shock. I told him that I would wait and see if it got any worse and then go from there. He was going to write me a prescription for antibiotics or something to have just in case I need them but I didn't even wait for it. I seriously just about ran from the office. It was crazy.

Work this week has been crazy, I can't wait for the weekend to get here. Last night we tried to get Jersey, DaVinci, Dog, and the Miss Kit together to see how it went. There was only one minor fight between Jersey and Dog that had to be broken up and then just lots of aggravation. Jersey wants to be up Dog's butt. Dog just wants to be left alone. And DaVinci is just DaVinci. I really hope we can get them to all get along. I would hate to have to get rid of any of my babies.

Only 13 more days until we get to find out if the lil munchkin is a girl or a boy :)


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