Tuesday, February 28, 2006

More Rambling of Sorts...

It just seems like there is so much to do and I feel like I'm on such a time limit here it drives me crazy! John was really sick most of last week and the weekend so we really didn't get much accomplished. I thought he might have eaten bad sushi but it just turns out he has the same cold/flu thing going around that everyone else has. Last night we went to Target to buy some totes and stuff so I can start packing stuff away to put into storage. I can't believe how much crap I have. Seriously, it is insane! Anyway, when we were in Target I had to make myself walk away from the baby stuff. I love just sitting there looking at everything. I was like Traci just walk away and John just laughed at me. I guess once we find out if it is a girl or boy that I will be able to buy stuff but until then I really try not to tempt myself. We sent our parents and my grandmom copies of the ultrasound picture from the 15th so that they could see what the lil munchkin looks like. My grandmom called my mom last night to tell her she got it. She said that she couldn't see the baby but it's a girl. Haha, how I hope she is right. No really, I really want a girl and always have. I have my names and everything for her all picked out but to be honest I really think it is a boy. I don't know why, it is just a gut feeling that I have. John honestly doesn't care, he just wants it to be a healthy baby. I guess he is right. We've been racking our brains trying to think of boys names for just in case and we really haven't come up with anything good. On Saturday we were just laying around and watching movies relaxing and I got up to go to the bathroom and when I was on my way back to bed I got horrible horrible cramps or pains or something in my lower stomach area. I don't know what it was or how to describe it but it seriously hurt. I was trying to walk out of the bathroom hunched over and was like John there's something the matter, it hurts so bad. He had to help me get back into bed (I have a really high bed). It hurt on and off for the rest of the night but then it seemed to pass the next day. I had some really bad nights of sleep over the weekend so I gave in and took a Tylenol PM. It really helped me and I was happy for that. On Saturday and Sunday I had an upset stomach and was scared that I was coming down with whatever John has. Thank goodness it passed and I feel better now. Last night when I was cleaning and packing I was getting horrible pains in my lower back and my sciatic nerve or something. So I had to just get the stuff and sit on my bed and put it away. I'm a blockhead when it comes to that stuff and I want to do everything myself and don't want people doing things for me. I know I have to stop this because I can't be lifting heavy stuff but it's just hard for me. Other than that I can't think of anything else going on. I go to the doctors on Thursday to see if they can remove this lumpy thing off my belly button. I seriously hope they can because it is getting on my nerves.

Oh, and John is too cute when he sits there talking to my belly and saying hello baby, this is your daddy talking and then goes on having a full blown conversation to the baby while rubbing it. haha.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello baby...this your daddy. i love you and your mommy very much. i will rub you later. we will get everything done when we need to sweeti. i am feeling better so i can help more now. <3

5:42 PM  

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