Well, this morning we went for our second ultrasound... the "big" one that we've all been waiting for. I have to say that the little munchkin was very cooperative when we first got there and the technician got all of the photos that she needed to get. It was amazing!!! Of course after a little while the lil beaner started doing kickboxing moves all over the place. It was crazy. Good thing I can't really feel much of the baby movements yet, just the flutters. We got a couple of good pictures a good profile shot and one of the lil one sucking on its thumb. About 1/2 way through the ultrasound I started feeling all sorts of dizzy and lightheaded. It all of the sudden felt like someone stuffed cotton in both my ears and I started sweating like crazy. I think my deodorant wore off! haha. All of the sudden my sister looked at me and was like Trae are you ok, you aren't looking too good. My reply was no, I'm not feeling too well I think I'm going to pass out! My face turned white as a ghost as did my lips. So the technician had me roll over onto my left side and got me a cold rag to put on my forehead. Apparently this is something that happens all the time during ultrasounds because of you having to lay flat on your back and the baby is laying on organs and your aorta which then limits the blood flow to the brain. So yeah, I totally almost passed out. You would think if this is something that happens alot they would have you propped up a little more or something. You know? She said it was good I said something when I did because most women don't say anything and they actually pass out or puke. Honestly if Sandy didn't say anything I probably wouldn't have either. haha. Anyway, back to the baby... I guess you would like to know what it is huh??? It's a Boy!!!! I actually almost passed out about 10 minutes after hearing this so as I felt like I was going to pass out I was thinking is it because they just told me I'm having a boy? I know this is crazy because I've had a feeling for a few weeks now and kept saying that I think it's a boy. So it really wasn't a surprise. So everyone is happy, I was a little disappointed at first because I really wanted a girl and I'm not going to lie about it. We'll just have to try for a girl the next time. John is happy, he just wants him to be healthy as do I and right now everything is looking great! He said it works out better because now when we have a daughter, she'll have a big brother to take care of her. My reply is what is he going to do when she starts having crushes on all of her big brothers friends. haha. There won't be any answering the door with a shot gun and tattoos showing to scare them away then. He says that's what I think. So I guess we'll see...
Here are the pictures from today's ultrasound. The first two are really good and the third, not so good. I guess they have a limit on how many pictures they'll give you or something. She printed out the profile one and then the one of him sucking on his thumb. I love the thumb sucking one but we really wanted the one with his lil wanker showing and where it said it's a boy. So we asked her to print that one out too and I think she got kind of pissed about it. So she gave us a horrible little 3x2 picture printed on regular size paper. I tried to scan it and print it, so hopefully you'll get the idea :-)

Great pictures! He's beautiful!!!
Welcome to the BOY club!!!!!! I'm so incredibly excited for you! BOYS RULE!!!!!!
hello my lil boy! i love you very much!! we are going to have so much fun doing boy stuff it will make your mommy think we are crazy. i can't wait to meet you my lil man. :-)
Boys rock!!
I also intend to use our tattoos to scare the boys that come after Velma!
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