Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Miscellaneous Rambling...

It was another busy weekend for us. We woke up early Saturday morning to take Jersey and DaVinci to dog training class. We were running late and it was a really crappy day outside. All cold, rainy, and just yucky. I was working with Jersey and 1/2 way through the class I started feeling all weak in the knees, light headed, and like I was going to pass out. I thought maybe it was just from standing or something, so it would pass but it didn’t. It got worse. My hearing started to get muffled and I felt exactly like I did when I almost passed out during my last ultrasound. So I was trying to get John’s attention by waving him over. At first he just smiled at me and waved back and I waved harder like no… come here! So he came over and I told him that he needed to take over with working with Jersey. I wasn’t feeling well. So I went and sat down and I started sweating bullets and had to strip off my jacket and my hoodie. So I was just sitting there in my t-shirt. It still didn’t go away so I had to go outside to get some fresh air. After getting rained on and sitting in the car for about 10 minutes I went back inside to see how things were going because I was feeling a little better. I don’t know if I was getting dehydrated, if I got overheated, or maybe my blood sugar went wacky but it was scary. We went home and I laid down to relax for a little bit while Sandy was working. I guess about 1:30 she called and we were out the door to go grab something to eat and then head to BabiesRus to work on the registry some more. I guess because it was such a cold and rainy day a lot of people had the same idea that we did. They were packed!!! So we just walked around and looked at the stuff we put on our registry and decided what we still wanted and what we wanted to change and did that. I still don’t think we’re done yet but after another 3 hours we were ready to leave. So we’ll be taking another trip up there sometime this week with Joyce.

I forget what we did on Sunday, my days are becoming a blur. I think we just did some sorting and organizing around the house. I started to not feel well again, so I laid down and took a little nap. I think I am just getting run down and with the whole not sleeping at night thing well, lets just say it sucks! It gives me way too much time so sit and obsess and stress about things. I just lay in bed staring at the ceiling thinking of stuff and I’m getting depressed about it. I went from finally being ok with the whole pregnancy thing to not really ok with it. Just because of me stressing myself out about things I can’t change. So I guess there is really no need to talk about it. Work has been busy so far this week and I’m exhausted. Today I had a hormonal crying fit and couldn’t stop myself from crying. Pregnancy hormones seriously toy with your emotions and it sucks! I was seriously thinking about mixing myself a drink to try to calm myself down when I went home to walk the dogs and stuff at lunch time. I didn’t though, I just let it pass. I got back to the office and cried some more. I couldn’t help myself. I just can’t wait until the day is over. I feel like taking something to help me sleep tonight but then I get so groggy when it’s time to wake up in the morning and I don’t feel the baby move around for a day or two… so I feel bad. So we’ll see what happens later. We got some more stuff that I had ordered yesterday in the mail. I love it all. I’m still going to take pictures, I just haven’t gotten to do it yet. Maybe tonight I will do it depending on how I feel. We’ll see…

We took pictures of all of the pressies we bought or have recieved so far for the baby and they are uploaded in the Baby stuff section of the photos :-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG- the stuff you've bought for Aiden is so flippin cute! You have to tell me where you got the stuff that's in "Daddy's favorites". Love it!

11:19 AM  

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