Thursday, April 06, 2006

A long week or something like that...

It's been a long week, yet I feel like we haven't accomplished much of anything. The weather has been crazy, especially yesterday. It went from being a beautiful sunny day, to pouring rain, to sleeting, to hailing, and then snowing! Then it kept going back and fourth from sunny blue skies to cloudy snowy skies, back to sunny blue skies. Here I thought that spring was here! I guess I was wrong. ha! It was one of those days that I wish I could just stay at home in bed watching movies and cuddling. I'm starting to get really tired. I'm having a hard time sleeping at night again. My hips are killing me when I try to sleep on my side, it doesn't matter which side either. I try to roll over and give the one a break but before too long the other one starts to hurt. I've tried the whole pillow between the legs thing and everything. It really doesn't help any. I've been having crazy dreams too. I know they say that it is common during pregnancy but come on now. I need to get caught up on some sleep while I can before the baby gets here. haha.

We haven't made it back to Babies R Us to go back over the baby registry. We'll be doing it Saturday or Sunday I guess. That way we'll have more time to spend going through everything and hopefully we'll get it done this time. I get tired just thinking about it. Right now the baby is doing all sorts of tumbles or something in my belly. It's crazy! Next week we go to the doctors for our checkup. I'm sure everything is going great, so I'm not worried about it. I still have to call to schedule an appointment for us to have the 3D-4D ultrasounds done. They said it's best to get them done between weeks 26-28. So that is what we're going to do. My belly is getting bigger and it is making me feel yucky and fat. I seriously need to get over this because it is going to get a lot worse as the lil beaner gets bigger. I guess I'm just too self conscious. Last night I was messing around with my blog and added some new links. I made a section named baby peektures, it has a bunch of pictures in it. I put up all of the ultrasound pictures we've gotten so far, pictures of me getting bigger and bigger, and also a couple of pictures of me and John. I'll add more to it later. I want to take some pictures of the cool stuff that I've bought for him. I think on our end that's about it for now. Sorry for the rambling, my thoughts are just all over the place right now.

In other exciting news there has been two beautiful baby boys born into the world by two very special girls I know. Last week Liz and her husband Dave gave birth to a beautiful baby boy named Alexander Fox. Early yesterday morning Jenna and Chris gave birth to a beautiful baby boy named Joshua Ryan. They are the most beautiful babies and I can't wait until August gets here so that John and I can meet our little munchkin too :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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1:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

love you sweets <3

4:00 PM  

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