Thursday, April 27, 2006

Update for the week…

It’s been a REALLY busy week and I seriously can’t wait until it’s over. I spent most of the weekend and week studying for my state exam. I seriously studied my ass off!!! Well, I went to take it yesterday and guess what, I failed the second part again! By one question… two lousy points! I was so upset I wanted to cry when the guy handed me the paper, my eyes literally filled up with tears. So now I have to call later on this afternoon to see if I can set up an appointment to re-take it again the beginning of next week. I hate having to go and take the test. It is a 3 ½ to 4 hour test. You can’t get up to use the bathroom, get a drink, snack… nothing! The bathroom is rough because I have to pee about every 20 minutes or it seems like that. Yesterday I thought my bladder was going to explode half way through the test. I wouldn’t care or bitch about it if I weren’t 6 ½ months pregnant but I am and it sucks! I hate that I am such a procrastinator and waited 9 months to take the test. I should have just done it right after I finished the class. So yeah, I have to take it again and take it ASAP. I just want it done and over with.

As far as baby Aiden goes… things are going really well. My poor belly is getting bigger and bigger and he’s a lil squirm monster!!! He’s always moving around and gets the hiccups A LOT! It kind of freaks me out sometimes but it is neat at the same time. It’s funny because he totally messes with John. He’ll be moving all around and acting crazy and I call John over to see it and instantly he stops! John and I laugh about it because I totally think Aiden does it on purpose to mess with his daddy. The last couple of days I’ve had a really weird, sore, tender, hurting spot or something in my right side. It’s hard to describe. I don’t know if it is because he is laying weird or maybe pushing up against it. It is just really uncomfortable and it kind of hurts. Last night I had a horrible time trying to get comfortable when it was time for bed. John said when he looks at it there is some sort of lump or bump or something there. So that’s why we’re leaning towards maybe he is just pushing up against it or something. I posted a couple of new pictures over in the picture section. I think I may have to go and invest in a body pillow. I’ve just been using regular pillows but it doesn’t seem to be helping much anymore when I try to sleep. I don’t know what the difference would be between using regular pillows or a body pillow but I need to do something. Let me see what else. We called and scheduled our 3D ultrasound, so we’re really stoked about that and I hope that they get some good pictures for us. We go there on May 11th. We sent in our check and registration for the basic birthing classes and the breastfeeding something or other class. It was a package so I’m not sure what exactly that is. We go to the birthing class in mid June it will be two Saturdays in a row and 4 hours each day. Then the breastfeeding class is in mid July it is one Saturday for like 3 hours. So they should be fun, right? I can’t believe that it is only a little over 14 weeks away and the lil munchkin will be here. In the beginning of the pregnancy the time seemed to go by so slow and now it seems to be flying by at warped speed!


Blogger My Daily Struggles said...

I'm one of the survivors of Oceanic flight 815. Can you get me some help?

11:34 AM  

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