Friday, May 12, 2006

28 Weeks...

Your baby weighs approximately 2.4 pounds and is about 10 inches from crown to rump, or a little under 16 inches from head to toe. He or she has been gaining weight steadily during the past 27 weeks as its stem cells develop into organs, blood and immune systems, and bones. However, from this point forward, your baby's weight gain will be due to increasing amounts of body fat. A quick way to predict your baby's birth weight is to average your partner’s and your birth weights.

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*Eyebrows and eyelashes are now very noticeable!
*Hair on baby's head is growing longer. Some babies are born with almost none at all, while others appear to be ready for their first haircut!
*Eyes are completely formed now. Quite a view from inside!
*Your baby's body is getting plump and rounded. Most of that increase is muscle tissue and bone. Fat will be added during the third trimester.
*Muscle tone is improving. Preparation for the Olympics feels like it is taking place in your womb!
*Lungs are capable of breathing now(but baby would still struggle and require medical attention if born now)
*Talk to your baby often, reading stories, singing songs and more. He or she can recognize your voice now and will often calm to it later on!
*Your baby weighs in now at 2.2 pounds (1005gm) and is 14.8 inches (37.6cm).


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