Thursday, May 04, 2006

3rd Time’s A Charm…

Well, first off I went to take my state exam again today. I studied my ass off all week and made myself sick about it this morning. I went to take the test and it was harder today than the first two times I took it. I swear they must make it harder every time. Punishment perhaps or just making harder to try to test you? Who knows but nonetheless it was ALOT harder. Somehow though I managed to pull through it and finally passed!!! WooHoo!!! I was so worried about it my palms were sweaty and my hands were shaking when I went out to get my results. When they told me I passed I don’t know whether I wanted to cry out of happiness or piss my pants. Haha. So yeah, now I am a Licensed Real Estate Agent in the state of New Jersey. Go me!!! Thank you everyone for the good vibes and prayers. They were very much appreciated and needed. I’m so happy that I finally have it done and off my plate. It’s one less thing I have to worry and stress about now :)

Now on to the important stuff… lil baby Aiden. Things are going well, I’m doing well. Just tired all of the time. I can’t wait until August. I’m tired of telling people that I’m tired when they ask how I’m feeling. Haha. Oh, and I've had horrible heartburn or acid reflux going on no matter what it is I eat. That I don't like. He moves around like crazy all the time! The one day he kicked me so hard that he startled me and made me jump. John was like what’s the matter are you ok???? Hehe. The one thing he keeps doing that's killing me is that he must lay weird or something and he puts a lot of pressure on my ribs or something in that area. It hurts like hell! I try to rub the spot or get him to move but he won’t most of the time. If I lay down on my opposite side I get a little bit of relief but that doesn’t help me when I’m at work or busy doing stuff to where I can’t go and lay down. John gets to feel him move all the time now too so I think he really likes that. At least that’s what the smile on his face says. He reads stories to him (Dr. Seuss of course) and we play him music too. I think he likes it. Tuesday was John's birthday, so we had a little BBQ for him and a cake. John wanted an Italian Rum cake, so that's what we got him. I think he had a nice Birthday or at least I hope he did. We go to the doctors next week for another check-up and I also have my glucose test. So hopefully everything will be good with that and of course hopefully I didn’t gain too much weight this month. Then we also have the 3D ultrasound next week, so that should be awesome. I hope that Aiden is cooperative and we get some good shots of him. I can’t believe that he’ll be here in 13 weeks. We have so much to do with cleaning and organizing and everything. I’m sure we’ll get it done, I’m always such a procrastinator but I do get it done in the end…


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