Saturday, June 24, 2006

Second birthing class…

Today was our second and last birthing class over at the hospital. We had a different teacher this time and she was so much better than the one we had last week! The time seemed to go by quicker and you actually wanted to pay attention. It seemed that after talking to today’s instructor, the instructor we had last week hardly went over any of the information she was supposed to. So today we played catch-up. We covered the rest of the birthing process and also c-sections. I am really going to try to avoid a c-section like the plague. I’ve said it before and I’ll continue to keep saying it. I’ve said the whole time that I’m going to stay at home until I absolutely can’t take it anymore, before going to the hospital. I don’t want to be laid up in a hospital and being told what to do. I want to be able to walk around and do what I want to do without feeling pressured to do things (if that makes any sense at all). After going over all of the information today in class I honestly think that I am going to try to go through natural labor and do it without an epidural. I talked to John about it and he said that’s fine if I want to go that route. I just think it would be much better for me and baby Aiden. I know I say that now but when push comes to shove I may change my mind. As of now, I’m going to try it though. They also went over postpartum depression and how to care for your baby after you bring them home. It was a lot of common sense type stuff but the instructor was good and really into teaching all different stuff you need to know. We practiced all the different breathing exercises and positions during labor. I think John is going to be a good labor coach, he’s really supportive. I told him that we’ll see about that whole getting in my face and telling me how great I’m doing stuff. It might be ok once in a while but I could totally see me ending up head butting him! Haha. We also got to go on a tour of the labor and delivery, postpartum rooms, and also the nursery. We got a spiffy little certificate saying that we completed the child birthing course too. Now we have the breastfeeding course in mid July and then we just have to wait for Aiden to be ready to show up for dinner! Only 41 more days to go, if he makes it until August 4th…


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Traci!

Hope you're feeling well- this heat SUCKS. Stick to your guns with how you want the labor to go- epidurals are crap.
The doctor had to put mine in twice, it kept getting caught in the sheets (which hurt), and AFTER the doctor pushed in a third dose of meds and it still hurt like hell he thought to call a nurse. Who said I was ready to push ages ago, so by the time my doctor showed up it only took twelve minutes of pushing to get her out.
I've known people who did fine with an epidural, but it maked me cold and clammy, plus it kept working on one side or the other, but never both at the same time.
Are there any doula's in your area that can help you labor at home?
Good luck with everything and take care of yourself & little Aiden!!! - Morgan

4:01 PM  

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