We went to the hospital to have another ultrasound done today. So we got to see you again. You were actually very calm and still this time. Usually you bounce all around and do all sorts of crazy moves trying to get away from the camera but I guess you were either too tired today or you’re getting a little cramped up in there by now. They said that everything is looking really good. Your heart rate was 135, so she said that was good. She said you already have some hair on your head, we could see it in the ultrasound. My placenta moved to where it is supposed to be, so that is another good thing. She said that you weigh about approximately 3 pounds, 9 ounces (I think, I kind of forget) and my AFI levels are good. She said you are measuring a little bit bigger than you should be at 29 weeks and 4 days. So it could be one of two things I guess. You’re either going to be a big baby or my due date might be a little off. They aren’t going to change it though because it falls within the 2-3 week range. She said that if I had no idea what my due date was I’m measuring about 31-32 weeks which would make you due on July 21st. I said before that I thought you were going to be a little early so I picked July 28th. I don’t know why I picked that date, I just did. Now I changed it and said you’ll probably be here on the July 24th because I thought it was a full moon but I was wrong, it’s a new moon. So I guess we’ll just have to wait see what happens. I’m sure you’ll just come out whenever you’re ready to, huh? Anyway, today’s ultrasound was nothing like the awesome 3D ones we had done a couple of weeks ago but we got to see you again nonetheless so it was awesome. So here are your new pictures. There is a profile shot and a face shot. I think you look a little alien looking again or maybe a little like skeletor! haha. I'm just kidding. We saw you on the 3D ultrasounds and you're adorable!!!!

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