Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Some rambling and a rough day...

Last night John and I started to go through a bunch of the stuff that we got from the baby shower. Let me just tell you how overwhelmed I was! There seems like so much stuff. Not that I am ungrateful or anything like that, I love everything we got and our friends and family were so thoughtful and generous! I just don’t know what we’re going to do with everything. Haha. We started making a list of what we have so that we can figure out what it is that we still need. There honestly isn’t that much left that we need. There are just a few things and we’ll be set. I guess I should start doing some laundry soon as well. I’m not going to do a lot of the clothes because I want to wait and see how big Aiden is when he arrives, but we’re going to wash his blankets, bedding, washcloths, and all of that kind of stuff. At one point I was telling John that I was having chest pains I guess because I felt so overwhelmed. I honestly was having them. It was probably due to stress or anxiety or something like that though. I think that we’re going to work on going through more of it tonight when we both get done work. I still need to take some pictures of the beautiful handmade gifts that we got.

Today I went for another visit to the dentist specialist so that he could finish up my root canal. I was fine at first when I got in the chair but not even 1/2 way through the appointment I almost passed out. At first I didn’t say anything but then it started getting really bad to the point I had no choice. I asked if I could sit up for a minute and of course they said yes. By this time I had sweat pouring off of me! They kept asking me if I was ok and stuff and I replied I was, I just needed a minute. In the mean time the doctor got a call from another doctor so he went to take it. The assistant was like are you sure that you’re ok. All I could say was I’m really hot. So she got me some cold rags and a glass of water. She took her hands and felt my forehead and then ran them down my arms. I think she was checking to see if I was hot or something. She was like I need to get the doctor and had someone else come and sit with me until she got back. Did I mention by this point I was mortified and so embarrassed??? Because I was! The doctor came back into the room and kept asking me a bunch of questions and asking me if I was ok. I just wanted to be done at this point, so I told him I was good to go. He started working on my tooth again, this time with me sitting up to see if maybe me having to lay back was the problem. I was ok for a few minutes but then I started feeling all goofy again and sweating my ass off. They were trying to hurry up and just get done and that was fine, I wanted them done. When he got to my back roots I could still feel everything he was doing which I don’t think I should have because there should be no nerves or whatever there. I didn’t say anything though because I just needed him to be done at this point. I wasn’t sure how much longer I was going to hold out. So he finished a little while later and I made it without passing out. Thank goodness! Hopefully what I felt was just a little tenderness and he did get everything he needed to. After he was done I just sat there for a couple of minutes and when I got up out of the chair my clothes were soaked from sweating so bad but my skin was cold and clammy. It was terrible! I went out to the car and sat in the air conditioning for a little bit before I drove to make sure I was ok. I called John and told him the whole story. He talked to me until I got to work ok. I’ve been really tired all day and I have a headache. I just can’t wait for the day to be over…


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