Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Stressed & Exhausted...

It has been another crazy and stressful week in my world and it isn’t even 1/2 way over with. I seriously need a break. My sister Sandy has been sick since Saturday night running a really high fever, puking, and all that nasty stuff. Well 2 antibiotics later and her fever going up to 105.5 she ended up going to the emergency room Monday night. They ended up being there all night and finally around 5:30 this morning they decided to admit her to a room. She apparently has bad kidney stones or at least that is what they thought, but now they aren’t sure. They had to hook her up to an IV and pump her full of fluids and antibiotics to try to make her feel at least a little bit better. So last night in addition to me being up so often during the night due to pregnancy and having to pee I was also up worrying about her and taking and making phone calls about how she was doing. Poor John, I don’t think he’s had a good night sleep in forever! I keep him up with tossing and turning and hoping in and out of bed to go to the bathroom, then last night with the phone calls added to it. I didn’t even think to go into another room to sleep. Anyway, they are trying to figure out what is the matter with her and said they will probably keep her for like 3 or 4 days. I’ve been running around doing a bunch of real estate stuff for her as she has a settlement on Friday that I’m hoping she will be back for. Tonight I have to go and show some houses for her. Fun, fun, fun. Thank goodness I know the couple that wants to see the houses, so I don’t have to impress them much. Haha. I was going to try to take off work again on Friday to get stuff done and just take a mental health day but I don’t think I’ll be able to now with her being so sick and everything. We’ll see what happens though and how long the hospital decides to keep her. Other than that bitching and moaning, things are going good. The baby loves to move around and kick the shit out of me. He's a total wiggle worm!!!! He's getting big, my belly feels huge, and my boobs are gigantic! It’s so crazy to me that in less than a month he’ll be here...


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