Thursday, November 13, 2008

Today’s NST & Ultrasound…

Today I went to the hospital to have my weekly NST and my follow-up ultrasound from last week to check the babies heads. The NST went well. At first the nurse had a hard time finding baby “a’s” heartbeat. I think it was because she dropped down low into my pelvis and she was looking in the spot that she found her last week. You could barely hear her heartbeat but the nurse said that she had a good heart rate. She found baby “b’s” heartbeat right away and it was nice and strong. I sat there for a while listening to the girls heartbeats and clicking the button when they moved. The nurse came back in to check on me and had to move the monitor because she wasn’t getting the readings that she needed. Once she moved the monitor she had to take the little buzzer thingy to stimulate them ad wake them up as I guess it was their naptime. As soon as she put the thing on my belly, she woke them right up! Haha. I sat there for a while longer and she got all of the readings and information that she needed. So she took all of the monitors off of my belly and I went to sit in the waiting room until they were ready to do the ultrasound.

Another nurse eventually came out to get me and take me into the back for my ultrasound. The ultrasound tech asked if they checked my amniotic fluid levels and I told her that they had only done the NST and that was all. She said she would check them while she was checking the girls heads. My fluid levels were good and she went on checking the girls heads and taking lots of pictures. She said baby “a” was head down still and had dropped down low into my pelvis. Baby “B” was still head down as well but she is still off to the side a little bit towards my hip. She got everything she needed and the said she was going to go and get the doctor to look at the report and then they would be back.

The doctor came in and started looking at the pictures and then he picked up the ultrasound wand and started looking around. He showed me on the monitor where baby “b” still has what he is calling an artifact in he cerebellum. So of course I got upset right away. He said that he is going to recommend that they take the babies next week because I am considered full term at this point anyway, especially with twins. I asked him if that meant that I would have to have a c-section and he said yes. Of course I wanted to cry at that point because I am trying to avoid a c-section like the plague. He explained that if there is something wrong I baby “b’s” head that to try to have a vaginal delivery could possibly cause further damage with her having to squeeze through the birth canal and stuff. I totally understand what he is saying and would not want to risk hurting her or risk anything bad happening. He asked why I was so against a c-section and I explained to him about having a 2 year old at home and that it will be really hard for me to take care of 2 newborns and Aiden as well as recovering from a c-section. I know Aiden is going to have a hard enough time with the girls being here without me having to be like Aiden you can’t sit on mommy, don’t touch mommy’s belly, and all of that stuff. I want to try to make the transition as easy as possible for him. The doctor said he understood that and then he kept looking around at the babies heads. He asked me to hold the ultrasound wand in a certain place while he ran out to get the ultrasound tech. They both came back I and he was looking around some more and the two of them kept going back and forth talking about what they were seeing. They finally came to the conclusion that they believe it is just the way the ultrasound light is hitting the baby’s head and it is causing a reflection. They explained to me that they usually do the ultrasound from one angle but because of the baby’s positioning and that they are so cramped up in there that they think it is just a refection or an artifact. So he said he is not going to recommend that I have a c-section, he will leave that decision up to the doctor and me. But that once the girls are born he wants an ultrasound done of the babies heads to make sure that there is nothing there. The doctor told me to schedule an NST for next week for in case I don’t go into labor before then and then to just let him know how everything turns out once the girls arrive and they do the ultrasound.

So now I am totally torn and confused over what I should do. Like I’ve said a thousand times I want to avoid a c-section unless it is totally necessary and there is no other way. Yet, because of the fact that there might be something going on with baby “b” I don’t want to add any additional stress or trauma to her head which is a big possibility if I have a vaginal birth. I just don’t know what to do because there could be some sort of a clot or hemorrhage or it could be nothing. I am really hoping and praying that it is nothing. I would feel absolutely terrible if I insisted on having a vaginal birth and then something happening to either one of the girls. I just don’t know what to do…


Blogger The Journey Of Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome said...

I have had 3 c sections....My kids are 11 months apart. You will be fine , I was able to recover and take care of each one.If you have any questions or want a play by play of the whole thing let me know....

5:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Traci, the recovery from a c section without laboring is really not as bad as you think. you'll spend a few days in the hospital and when you get home, you'll be surprised at how much it doesn't hurt! you won't be able to pick Aiden up, but he will be able to sit on your lap and cuddle with you. i know you'll do what's right for you, the girls and Aiden, but please try not to worry and put additional stress on yourself. however they get here, the girls will be fine!

8:32 PM  

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