Sunday, December 24, 2006
Friday, December 22, 2006
4 Months...
Well, as you can see I’m running a little bit behind on my update this month. It has been a really busy month with getting ready for the holidays and such. Aiden is getting so big! He talks up a storm and loves to sing. It’s so awesome. He also has the most beautiful smile and laugh I think that I’ve ever seen. He’s doing awesome with holding his head up and doing tummy time. He actually can’t stand to do tummy time, but we still make him do it. He is now playing in his activity saucer as well. He does really good in it for a little while but then when he gets bored he’s done. I think the longest that he lasted in it was 20 minutes. He is really getting into grabbing things. He’s going to be a handful once he starts crawling. He loves the remote control, cell phones, the cordless phone, pretty much anything he get his hands on. He is also starting to play with his toys now. I think his favorite ones are his glow worm, his leap frog piano, and his Lightning McQueen plush race car. We’ve also been watching Christmas movies with him too. That’s always fun. I remember when we were little there were always Christmas specials on TV, now there’s hardly any! That seriously sucks. He also started sucking his thumb. I know it’s a bad habit for him to get into, but he looks so adorable when he does it.
Speaking of bad habits, John and I have gotten him into some seriously bad habits that we need to start breaking. In the beginning when he wasn’t feeling well and was having belly problems we would just hold him and cuddle him all the time. It seemed like the only thing that we could do to make him feel better. Well now needless to say he wants to be held all the time. I seriously don’t mind but at the same time I need to get things done around the house and at work and stuff too. So we need to start getting him to be able to just hang out and keep himself occupied. He also sleeps in bed with us. This too I don’t mind, I love having him there but I know that it bothers John. I’m also afraid of John accidentally rolling on him. Sometimes he is so tired it’s hard for me to wake him up when he starts snoring, so I just worry about it. He has never done anything like that though *knock on wood*. I’m always sleeping with one eye open, so I don’t get much sleep. The other thing is that you have to be holding him in order for him to fall asleep. You can’t just lay him down in the bed or the crib and get him to take a nap or go to sleep. One of us have to be holding him and usually he falls asleep with a bottle or my nipple in his mouth. He also still isn’t sleeping through the night (meaning the 5-6 hours). The doctor says that by now he should be. He usually gets up every 3 to 3 ½ hours.
He also went to the doctors yesterday for his 4 month check-up. It went really well. He now weighs 16 lbs., 8 oz. and is 26 inches long. He is in the 75th percentile for his length and 50-75th percentile for his weight. The doctor said he is doing great and was very happy, aside from the bad habits that he wants us to start breaking. He also had to get 5 more vaccinations, 4 shots and 1 oral. So needless to say, he was not a happy camper and hasn’t been feeling well since. We feel so bad when he gets the shots because he gets so upset. I’m sure all babies do, but it so heartbreaking when he is sitting there screaming and crying at the top of his lungs and there is nothing we can do for him.
Other than that like I said things are good, just really busy. I’m not going to be making any Christmas cookies this year. So there are a lot of unhappy campers. I feel really bad about not having the time to bake, and I love baking. There is just no time this year. I’ve also been making all sorts of receiving blankets for Aiden. The ones you buy in the store are just so crappy. Aiden also had his Christmas pictures taken and they turned out adorable! He also went and had his picture taken with Santa. Again, they are adorable. He was a little confused and maybe shocked but he wasn’t crying. So we were happy about that. I’ll post lots of updated pictures later. Right now Aiden is sitting in bed with John being a cranky pants. I know it’s because he’s tired and still not feeling well from the shots yesterday. So I better be getting going so I can get him to bed. Here's a teaser of my lil cutie patootie for now...
Speaking of bad habits, John and I have gotten him into some seriously bad habits that we need to start breaking. In the beginning when he wasn’t feeling well and was having belly problems we would just hold him and cuddle him all the time. It seemed like the only thing that we could do to make him feel better. Well now needless to say he wants to be held all the time. I seriously don’t mind but at the same time I need to get things done around the house and at work and stuff too. So we need to start getting him to be able to just hang out and keep himself occupied. He also sleeps in bed with us. This too I don’t mind, I love having him there but I know that it bothers John. I’m also afraid of John accidentally rolling on him. Sometimes he is so tired it’s hard for me to wake him up when he starts snoring, so I just worry about it. He has never done anything like that though *knock on wood*. I’m always sleeping with one eye open, so I don’t get much sleep. The other thing is that you have to be holding him in order for him to fall asleep. You can’t just lay him down in the bed or the crib and get him to take a nap or go to sleep. One of us have to be holding him and usually he falls asleep with a bottle or my nipple in his mouth. He also still isn’t sleeping through the night (meaning the 5-6 hours). The doctor says that by now he should be. He usually gets up every 3 to 3 ½ hours.
He also went to the doctors yesterday for his 4 month check-up. It went really well. He now weighs 16 lbs., 8 oz. and is 26 inches long. He is in the 75th percentile for his length and 50-75th percentile for his weight. The doctor said he is doing great and was very happy, aside from the bad habits that he wants us to start breaking. He also had to get 5 more vaccinations, 4 shots and 1 oral. So needless to say, he was not a happy camper and hasn’t been feeling well since. We feel so bad when he gets the shots because he gets so upset. I’m sure all babies do, but it so heartbreaking when he is sitting there screaming and crying at the top of his lungs and there is nothing we can do for him.
Other than that like I said things are good, just really busy. I’m not going to be making any Christmas cookies this year. So there are a lot of unhappy campers. I feel really bad about not having the time to bake, and I love baking. There is just no time this year. I’ve also been making all sorts of receiving blankets for Aiden. The ones you buy in the store are just so crappy. Aiden also had his Christmas pictures taken and they turned out adorable! He also went and had his picture taken with Santa. Again, they are adorable. He was a little confused and maybe shocked but he wasn’t crying. So we were happy about that. I’ll post lots of updated pictures later. Right now Aiden is sitting in bed with John being a cranky pants. I know it’s because he’s tired and still not feeling well from the shots yesterday. So I better be getting going so I can get him to bed. Here's a teaser of my lil cutie patootie for now...